mystery ship


mystery ship

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Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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It's the Scorpion' they're giving me, Gerald--or the mystery ship, as they call it in the navy."
The mystery ship had been carrying thousands of ceramics and luxury goods for trade, and they remained on the ocean floor until the 1980s when the wreck was discovered by fishermen.
Lieutenant Commander Arthur Lockington was highly decorated as the brave captain of a "mystery ship" used as bait to trap Nazi U-boats.
Lusitania is a mystery ship with endless speculation over a possible cover-up about illegally carrying munitions for WWI from New York.
What was the so-called "mystery ship", seen from the sinking Titanic?
THE MYSTERY SHIP THE 705 Titanic survivors were rescued by Cunard's Carpathia, which was 58 miles away when it received the stricken ship's distress call.
Mystery ship movements: PressTV reports that a pair of Iranian warships (docked in Syria Saturday on a visit to help train Syria's navy.
THE puzzle we posed over the identity of a mystery ship in the River Tees in issue 100 of Remember When has prompted two responses.
Nearly a century later, Molony explores allegations that the mystery ship was the Canadian Pacific liner Mount Temple, captained by James Moore, and considers the possible validity of the claims that Capt.
First came the Coos Bay North Spit's wooden-hulled "mystery ship," identified last week as the George L.
MARK Usher's Mystery Ship (G Duffield) comes with a wet sail to land the Sweet Solera at 25 to 1.