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 (mĭs′tə-gŏg′, -gôg′)
1. One who prepares candidates for initiation into a mystery cult.
2. One who holds or spreads mystical doctrines.

[From Latin mystagōgus, from Greek mustagōgos : mustēs, an initiate; see mystery1 + agōgos, guide, leader (from agein, to lead; see ag- in Indo-European roots).]

mys′ta·gog′ic (-gŏj′ĭk) adj.
mys′ta·go′gy (-gō′jē) n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

mystagogics, mystagogy

1. the principles, doctrines, and practices of mysticism.
2. the interpretation of mysteries, as the Eleusinian. — mystagogue, n. — mystagogic, mystagogical, adj.
See also: Mysticism
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
(25.) Maximus the Confessor, The Church's Mystagogy, 19, in
Tradition and Innovation: Baptismal Rite and Mystagogy in Theodore of Mopsuestia and Narsai of Nisibis
Maximus the Confessor says in his work--The Mystagogy (Maxim Marturisitorul 2000), the world was a church in extension, with the sky as a hieration or altar, and the earth's ornaments as a nave (Ibidem: 17).
And yet, in another sense, precisely because it fails, Bernardez's poem might also be understood as an exercise in eucharistic mystagogy. If Denys Turner is right that the Eucharist is a "communication of the risen kingdom" given only "on the condition of its ultimate failure" (153), then Bernardez's poem, by dramatizing the dialectic of failure and transcendence that characterizes sacraments as sacraments, also enacts or performs part of the meaning of the Eucharist itself.
Mystagogy often means initiation into spiritual practices, and indeed in the Catholic tradition the word has been used to refer to a late stage in the introduction of catechumens to sacramental rites, but here--following Karl Rahner again--the meaning is closer to the word "mystical." So grounds for believing again will be found in the prayerful entry into Christian belief that demands an act of self-transcendence, which in its turn leads to a new energy for discipleship.
Part 2, "Directing as Dialogue with the Community," includes: Magdalena Zira "Directing Greek Tragedy as a Ritual: Mystagogy,
And clearly Nathan Brown's "The Technics of Prehension: On the Photography of Nicholas Baier," Roland Faber's "Multiplicity and Mysticism: Toward A New Mystagogy of Becoming," and Didier Debaise's "Possessive Subjects: A Speculative Interpretation of Nonhumans" all deserve much more than a mention.
This contribution examines the opening section of Chapter Five of Evangelii Gaudium, arguing that in it Frauds sheds light on the mystagogy of discipleship in contemporary times.
Keywords: Teresa, Libro de la Vida (Autobiography), Experience of Cod, Mystagogy, Mission.
In short, we need what Rahner calls a theology that is at once both "missionary and mystagogic." (10) I am particularly concerned here with the way his understanding of mystagogy informs the relationship between the fides quae and the fides qua.
In Photios' Mystagogy of the Holy Spirit, persons are differentiated not in terms of opposition but in terms of a "personal feature" of each, namely, "begotten" and "begat," "spirated" and "spirates" (65).