Land tortoise

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(Zool.) any tortoise that habitually lives on dry land, as the box tortoise. See Tortoise.

See also: Land

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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According to a Dubai resident, they're both failing because of humans, as he recently rescued a land tortoise roaming around Barsha 3 streets by itself and witnessed a rabbit being abandoned around the same area two weeks ago.
Notes on East African tortoises collected 1921-1923, with the description of a new species of soft land tortoise. Proceedings of the Zoological Society London 1923:923-933 plates I-II.
The previous oldest tortoise was thought to be Harriet, a giant Galapagos Land tortoise, who died in 2005 aged 175 in Australia.
The flat-bottomed, seven-sided Land Tortoise is 52 feet long and 18 feet wide, with high, sloping bulwarks.
Harriet, a giant Galapagos Land tortoise and the world's oldest living creature, celebrates her 175th birthday on November 15.
As well as meeting the various types of lemur, you'll see fruit bats with metre-wide wingspans, land tortoise and the abundant bird life endemic to the island.
Paula Kahumbu's OWEN & MZEE: THE LANGUAGE OF FRIENDSHIP (0439899591, $16.99) provides a sequel to the true story of a unique friendship between a land tortoise and a baby hippo.
To dive the Land Tortoise, you must register with the DEC office at Lake George Beach at the south end of the lake.
"Although we have archaeological evidence for terrapins and turtles from the 17th century, this is the first archaeological evidence we have for land tortoise in Britain.

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