land yacht

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Related to land yacht: Land Sailing

land yacht

(Sailing) a three-wheeled recreational vehicle with a sail, used on land and propelled by wind power
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|The chance to try your hand at building a land yacht, create crazy bubbles with Scientific Sue or have fun at the beach at Queens Quay.
Contact Andy Rush at Looking Back 01509 635802 E-mail andy.rush@reachplccom 25 YEARS AGO James Jewry's land yacht A SHEPSHED A-level student had spent the last year designing and building a land yacht in the garage of his home.
Sailing employs the wind-acting on sails, wingsails or kites-to propel a craft on the surface of the water (sailing ship, sailboat, windsurfer, or kitesurfer), on ice (iceboat) or on land (land yacht) over a chosen course, which is often part of a larger plan of navigation.
| To book go to A LAND YACHT Dihewyd, Lampeter The 26-foot Airstream Overlander land yacht was made in 1964, imported from the USA and refurbished in UK.
Still, that skill, or lack thereof, didn't stop me from lending a hand to my nephew who is in the process of building a not-so-tiny house, or "land yacht" as he calls it.
It is called a blokart - a type of land yacht that came into existence in September 1999.
I looked at the size and plush appointments of the Q56 and thought IAAEd be driving just another overweight land yacht. But Infiniti used computer-assisted engineering and design to confound that expectation.
It's been fun in St Paul, but it's time to load the trinkets from Como Park and the cooler of brats into the RV (the airplane, not the land yacht).
The Gadget Show (8.00pm) Gail Porter and Jason Bradbury travel to Weston-super-Mare beach to test two wind-powered racing gadgets, a unique mini land yacht..
and Airstream Land Yacht (all published by Anansi in 1999, 2001 and
(Gibbs Smith,2002) and the editor of many books on art and popular culture, including?Airstream: The History of the Land Yacht? (Chronicle Books, 2000) and ?Cheap Hotels?
Our hosts were Ben and Seth, two English stuntwood romantics of the highest order, and Owen, a lovable tour veteran (having driven for a former Girl trip where he was exposed to Sherm's personal puppetry first hand), who ferried us around in a large land yacht called the Rendezvous.