
(redirected from Ingrams)


an ignorant person
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References in classic literature ?
I believe there is quite a party assembled there; Lord Ingram, Sir George Lynn, Colonel Dent, and others."
Eshton and her three daughters--very elegant young ladies indeed; and there are the Honourable Blanche and Mary Ingram, most beautiful women, I suppose: indeed I have seen Blanche, six or seven years since, when she was a girl of eighteen.
I never saw a more splendid scene: the ladies were magnificently dressed; most of them--at least most of the younger ones--looked handsome; but Miss Ingram was certainly the queen."
Old Lord Ingram's estates were chiefly entailed, and the eldest son came in for everything almost."
Fairfax of Blanche Ingram; remember the raven ringlets, the oriental eye;--What!
An hour or two sufficed to sketch my own portrait in crayons; and in less than a fortnight I had completed an ivory miniature of an imaginary Blanche Ingram. It looked a lovely face enough, and when compared with the real head in chalk, the contrast was as great as self-control could desire.
"Colonel Ingram is leading counsel for the company.
Earlier this year the Ingrams went back to London's Southwark Crown Court and asked for their combined defence contributions of pounds 65, 000 to be reduced.
A BBC1 Real Story special about the Ingrams will be shown on Monday.
The Ingrams were each fined pounds 15,000 and ordered to pay pounds 10,000 costs.
In the event, police believe, the Ingrams might have dropped the plan as 'too risky'.
The Ingrams, of The Grange, High Street, Easterton, Wiltshire, and Whittock of Heol-y-Gors, Whitchurch, Cardiff, were charged after answering bail in London last week.