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(ˈɪŋ grəm)
Hubert A., born 1947, prime minister of the Bahamas since 1992.
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References in classic literature ?
East of my bean-field, across the road, lived Cato Ingraham, slave of Duncan Ingraham, Esquire, gentleman, of Concord village, who built his slave a house, and gave him permission to live in Walden Woods; -- Cato, not Uticensis, but Concordiensis.
The only reason why they were ever thus arbitrarily distinguished may be attributed to the singular fact, that their existence was altogether unknown to the world until the year 1791, when they were discovered by Captain Ingraham, of Boston, Massachusetts, nearly two centuries after the discovery of the adjacent islands by the agent of the Spanish Viceroy.
In addition, the consultation process should include awareness of, and sensitivity to, differences between home and school cultures, and the need for the consultant to mediate between these two cultural contexts for successful consultation outcomes (Ingraham & Tarver Behring, 1998; Rogers, 2002).
Cet article examine la piece Acadia de Mary Kinley Ingraham en sa qualite de piece baptiste et feministe.
By "institutionalized heterosexuality" I am referring to the set of ideas, institutions and relationships that make the heterosexual family the societal norm, while rendering homosexual/queer families "abnormal" or "deviant" (Ingraham 1999).
are Subverting America, by Laura Ingraham. Regnery, 360 pages, $27.95
Oceanographers Curtis Ebbesmeyer and James Ingraham are tracking them, along with 30,000 Nike trainers, 34,000 ice hockey gloves and five million Lego pieces in a bid to understand currents.
Discussing Laura Ingraham, he writes: "She landed on her feet and soon made a career (quite ironically, given her good looks) on talk radio."
"We are in the process of collaborating with Salon News and American Salon readers and advertisers to determine the best strategy going forward," Beauty Group general manager Rob Ingraham said.
Department of Education Chief Operating Officer Greg Woods, University of Illinois Librarian Sharon Hogan, Information Technology Association of America's Barry Ingraham, Council for Excellence in Government President and CEO Patricia McGinnis, and former OMB Director Joseph R.
Three of Yerby's best-selling novels had African Americans as main characters: Speak Now: A Modern Novel (1969), The Dahomean: An Historical Novel (1971), and its sequel, A Darkness in Ingraham's Crest, (1979).