Indian reservation

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Related to Indian reservation: Hualapai Indian Reservation
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Noun1.Indian reservation - a reservation set aside for the use of IndiansIndian reservation - a reservation set aside for the use of Indians
reservation, reserve - a district that is reserved for particular purpose
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"Consequently, a state may prosecute and punish a violation of a state criminal statute that is committed on an Indian reservation by a non-Indian only if the victim of the crime is a non-Indian or if the crime is a victimless crime," wrote Johnson.
"Having had enough of empty Hollywood promises, Kent Nerburn approached me at a screening of my movie Rez Bomb that I'd shot on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and gave me the novel.
Indian reservation created by "terse" executive order.
Cory Lambert (Jeremy Renner) works as a tracker for the US Fish and Wildlife Service on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming, where he hunts predators that threaten livestock.
The shipment of animals from Alberta's Elk Island National Park to the Blackfeet Indian Reservation follows a 2014 treaty among tribes in the United States and Canada that aims to restore bison to areas of the Rocky Mountains and Great Plains where millions once roamed.
Through self-determination and self-governance, tribes have assumed responsibility for delivering the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP), formerly known as the Indian Reservation Roads Program.
The Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Reservation is a federally recognized tribe located in the eastern Coachella Valley of Southern California.
Ignatius Mission church and school on the Flathead Indian Reservation from the 1940s to the early 1970s physically, sexually and emotionally abused students.
In 1971, the Raiders released "Indian Reservation (The Lament of the Cherokee Reservation Indian)." The song became their biggest hit, hitting No.
Earlier in the day the secretary visited the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation in southeastern Arizona.
"What we're gonna do is turn Detroit into an Indian reservation, where we herd all the Indians into the city, build a fence around, and then throw in the blankets and the corn." On Jan 27, the Native community in Michigan reacted by holding a Circle Dance outside the county courthouse in Pontiac.
Issues addressed will include but are not limited to fishing rights, the sterilization of Indigenous women, extreme poverty, theft of tribes' natural resources, environmental issues and their impact on Indian reservations, the horrific rate of suicides among Native children, and the wrongful conviction of Leonard Peltier (specifically the events that led up to the June 26, 1975, incident at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota and the effects on survivors of this period).

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