Indian sign

Also found in: Idioms.

Indian sign

US a magic spell designed to place the victim in one's power or bring him bad luck
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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I know some of the Indian signs - the signs they make with their hands, and by signal-fires at night and columns of smoke by day.
Derry City 2 Cork City 0 BY ARTHUR DUFFY DERRY CITY finally removed the Indian Sign hanging over them since March 2016 after defeating Cork City at the Brandywell last night.
KILSYTH ...............................4 CAMBUSBARRON ROV .....2 Kilsyth continued to hold the Indian sign over the Rovers this season with their third win in as many games between the sides - this time in the Presidents Cup.
The storytelling was both verbal and in Indian Sign Language by the artists.
While the Edinburgh club has the Indian sign over them in cups, Booth insists his side will continue to dominate in the league.
Indian Sign Language: A Linguistic Analysis of Its Grammar
L [1] proposed an application which detect the Indian Sign Language (ISL) via mobile camera and converts that into corresponding text or voice.
His second chapter, for example, focuses on the Long Expedition of 1819-1821 to suggest how Plains Indian languages, and in particular Plains Indian Sign Language (PISL), discomfited "a linguistic model that oscillated in its imagination between orality and print and failed largely to consider the embodied medium of Native expressive culture" (51).
WHITLEY Bay A seem to have the Indian sign over leaders Blyth Town.
GATESHEAD have had the Indian sign on Macclesfield Town since the Cheshire outfit came out of the Football League, and they are looking for that to continue tonight.

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