Indian National Congress

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Indian National Congress

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the official name for Congress3
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Chennai (Tamil Nadu) [India], Aug 28 (ANI): Party workers of the Indian National Congress (INC) here on Wednesday staged a protest against alleged vandalism of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar statue in Vedarayanam, which took place on Sunday.
Punjab is currently ruled by the Indian National Congress. "Rahul Gandhi is young and is a good representative for the youth.
President of the Indian National Congress Party Rahul Gandhi addresses the 48th Congress plenary session in New Delhi on March 17, 2018.
'It has become a habit for BJP leaders to narrate the wrong history,' Indian National Congress (INC) Rajasthan chief Archana Sharma said.
Seeking to assert itself and its claim to be the sole representative of Indian Muslims, the All-India Muslim League refused to back any plan in which the Indian National Congress, the dominant party in the talks, appointed Muslim representatives.
India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is locked in a contest with the Indian National Congress which rules the southern state, home to 'India's Silicon Valley' in Bengaluru.
Mr Singh, speaking at the Indian National Congress plenary session in New Delhi, said: 'India must recognise the problems in Jammu and Kashmir and ensure that these problems are tackled and sorted out.'
9 (BNA): President of the Indian National Congress party Rahul Gandi visited today Bahhrain National Museum on the sidelines of his official visit to Bahrain.
His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, yesterday met Indian National Congress party president Rahul Gandhi at Gudaibiya Palace.
His widow, Maneka Gandhi, and his son, Varun Gandhi, are leading members of the Bharatiya Janata Party, the rival party to the Indian National Congress.
Sanjay Gandhi's widow, Maneka Gandhi (born inl956), and his son, Varun Gandhi (born inl980), are leading members of the Bharatiya Janata Party, the current rival party to the Indian National Congress. Maneka Gandhi currently serves as Cabinet Minister for Women and Child Development, and has served as a minister in four governments as of now.
This date was chosen because it was on this day in 1930 that the pre-independence Indian National Congress rejected the British colonialists' offer of being a dominion, proclaiming independence instead after over 200 years of colonial rule.

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