Indian list

Indian list

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) informal (in Canada) a list of persons to whom spirits may not be sold. Also called: interdict list
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The rest of the Indian list is dominated by the five Indian Institutes of Technology ( IITs) led by IIT Roorkee.
This was the first time a Bollywood celebrity had attained the number one position both in earnings and fame in the Indian list of the business magazine.
Surprisingly Internet giant Google which is ranked as the top employer globally by LinkedIn, is on the 13th spot on the Indian list. Google is ranked number one, followed by Apple (2) and Unilever (3) on the global list, compiled by LinkedIn.
Pakistani authorities were very nervous about these developments, which went on a par with an increasing mutual dependence in the domain of energy, since India has become the fourth-largest customer of the Saudis for oil (after Iran lost ground on the Indian list because of sanctions).But that was before the comeback of Nawaz Sharif, at a time when Pakistan was ruled by a PPP government the Saudis disliked openly.
ISLAMABAD, May 30, 2011 (Frontier Star): Pakistan has returned Indian list of most wanted terrorists to India with some objections and asked her to recheck it once again that how many persons included in the list were still in India.
Regarding a list given by India to Pakistan of 50 most wanted terrorists allegedly hiding here, she said, its an Indian list and the Indians can put any name they want on it.
He also said that the country was in safe hands and that the agencies are still investigating suspects, even those on the Indian list. But there has been confusion over how many leaders from outlawed militant organizations have been arrested.
Domestic Violence and the Ontario Liquor Board's 'Indian List,' 1950-1990"), Ruby Lal ("Historicizing the Harem: The Challenge of a Princess's Memoir"), and Shahnaz Khan ("Locating the Feminist Voice: The Debate on the Zina Ordinance"), reveal neglected stories of women's defiance and resistance that have been buried in official archives.
Meanwhile, you can achieve good results in India by mailing multinational lists from offshore, or obtaining local lists from trusting Indian list owners who are willing to supply lists to certain offshore lettershops in return for a security guarantee.
To cite one instance, Picador has recently launched its Indian list under a new imprint, Picador India.
The freed Indian fishermen and civilian prisoners are the ones included in the Indian list that was handed over to Pakistan during the Interior/ Home Secretaries meeting in New Delhi last month.
The legal/bureaucratic tool popularly dubbed "the Indian list"--that is, the official list of chronic and troublesome alcoholics forbidden to buy or possess alcohol, a list kept by the Ontario Liquor Board's bureaucracy from the 1930s through to 1990--appears at first sight to be a draconian remnant of the Prohibition era.

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