Hunter John

Also found in: Medical, Idioms.


 (hŭn′tər), John 1728-1793.
British physician who took an experimental approach to surgery and established a museum of comparative anatomy and natural history in London.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
While not related to Edward Murphy, eastern Missouri hunter John Murphy is no stranger to that law--especially as it pertains to a deer called "Maximus."
The Hateful Eight, 18, PS19.99 After the American Civil War, bounty hunter John Ruth (Kurt Russell) escorts prisoner Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) to Red Rock where she will be tried for murder.
THE HATEFUL EIGHT (18) SHORTLY after the American Civil War, bounty hunter John Ruth (Kurt Russell) escorts prisoner Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) to Red Rock where she will be tried and hanged for murder.
Another example would be the 2.5X Bushnell I saw on my first safari in the early 1990's on African professional hunter John van der Meulen's own .458 Winchester Magnum, purchased only a few years after Dave Bushnell took some Weavers to a Japanese optics manufacturer and asked if they could make basically the same scopes.
THE HATEFUL EIGHT (18) WRITER.DIRECTOR Quentin Tarantino 's eighth film is a gritty period piece set shortly after the American Civil War, which is bookmarked into six blood-spattered chapters and follows bounty hunter John Ruth (Kurt Russell) as he escorts prisoner.
THE HATEFUL EIGHT (18) WRITER.DIRECTOR Quentin Tarantino 's eighth film is a gritty period piece set shortly after the American Civil War, which is bookmarked into six bloodspattered chapters and follows bounty hunter John Ruth (Kurt Russell) as he escorts prisoner Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) to be tried and hanged for murder.
Technical gremlins aside, the film is a gritty period piece set shortly after the American Civil War, which is bookmarked into six blood-spattered chapters and follows bounty hunter John Ruth (Kurt Russell) as he escorts prisoner Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) to Red Rock where she will be tried and hanged for murder.
Technical gremlins aside, Tarantino's eighth film is a gritty period piece set shortly after the American Civil War, Leigh Domergue which is bookmarked into six blood-spattered chapters and follows bounty hunter John Ruth (Kurt Russell) as he escorts prisoner Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) to Red Rock, where she will be tried for murder.
On March 15th, amateur nova hunter John Seach in Australia spotted a new 6th-magnitude star shining in the Sagittarius Teapot in images from his DSLR patrol camera.
HUNTER CRAIG Happy Father's Day to the best dad ever love you Lauren Charlie and jacob xx HUNTER JOHN To the best dad ever ,, love you loads from kellie Sam Jack Megan Xxxx have a great day xx HUNTER SAM daddy to the best dad ever , love u loads love jack and Megan xxxx HUNT GEOFF Happy Father's Day Dad, don't know what I'd do without you, Love Ryan x HUNT MARTIN Dad, Happy Father's Day.