House ant

(Zool.) a very small, yellowish brown ant (Myrmica molesta), which often infests houses, and sometimes becomes a great pest.

See also: House

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The White House ant the Department of State have also denied the rumour.
That was probably due to the presence of the Odorous House Ant. These ants are reputed to be very social -- discos, parties, tennis clubs, parent-teacher associations and most sports events are popular haunts.
The odorous house ant doesn't sting or bite or chew up houses.
A survey of odorous house ants confirms how much a modest country dweller can change habits in the big city, says Grzegorz Buczkowski of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind.
Washington, March 31 (ANI): A new research has shown that the most common house ant species, built for living in some of the smallest spaces in a forest, prosper in urban areas.
The study revealed that odorous house ant colonies become larger and more complex as they move from forest to city and act somewhat like an invasive species.
In the Northeast, small ants are probably odorous house ants, Potter said.
This type of ant-tree mutualism is common throughout the tropics, where a variety of trees produce speciali7ed structures to feed and/or house ants. One of the classic examples of a coevolutionary mutualism--two species evolving in tandem to the benefit of both--involves 'ant-plants' and 'plant-ants' in tropical forests.