House Leader

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House′ Lead′er

(in Canada) the chief party strategist in the House of Commons.
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References in periodicals archive ?
The revised estimate enjoyed the support of all members at plenary and was later laid on the table by the House Leader, Abubakar Olawoyin- Magaji.
The Premier had stated that the Leader of the Official Opposition and the House Leader for that caucus had provided the House with misinformation that they should have known not to be true, thus deliberately misleading the House.
Jericho Jonas and new lawyer Margarita, aired their appreciation for the honor bestowed upon the former House leader who died of respiratory illness at age 71.
Gillani underlined that the house leader and opposition leader select the caretaker prime minister together.
'It will be better if Parliament keeps its respect in its own hands' he held Gillani underlined that the house leader and opposition leader select the caretaker prime minister together.
The term-limited House leader is challenging incumbent Democratic Senator Marty Block for his San Diego seat in 2016 in a move Sacramento observers say is highly unusual.
Taking on the portfolio as well as position of Deputy House Leader is Peace River MLA Frank Oberle, who was promoted from associate minister of[dagger]Services for Persons with Disabilities.
Troubling news from the Lone Star State, as opponents of Joe Straus, the Republican current speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, are sending mass emails arguing that the House leader ought to be someone from the ranks of "Christians and true Conservatives." One adds, "Joe Straus is pro-abortion.
"House Officer" ("agent superieur de la Chambre") means the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committees of the Whole House, the Deputy Chair and Assistant Deputy Chair of Committees of the Whole House, the Government House Leader, the Leader or House Leader of a recognized party, the Whip of a recognized party, the Chair of the national caucus of a recognized party, any Member who is a former Prime Minister and the Member designated by the leader of a recognized party to be responsible for the research office of the party, but does not include the Prime Minister of Canada.
During question period, government House leader Peter Van Loan called on the Liberals to "stand up for democracy," this in reference to goings on in the Senate.
The House leader, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said the deadline would be added to legislation providing nearly pounds 50bn that Bush requested for fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan.