Havana cigar

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Related to Havana cigar: Cuban cigars

Havana cigar

(Brewing) any of various cigars hand rolled in Cuba, known esp for their high quality. Also called: Havana
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References in classic literature ?
These words were said by a huntsman peacefully seated at the edge of the forest of Ile-Adam, who was finishing an Havana cigar while waiting for his companion, who had lost his way in the tangled underbrush of the wood.
The man himself sat at a shining, inlaid writing table which looked like a rare piece from a museum of art; his chair had a high, oval, carved back, upholstered in faded tapestry; and these objects made of the costly black Havana cigar, which he rolled incessantly from the middle to the left corner of his mouth and back again, an inexpressibly cheap and nasty object.
This new cargo was destined for the coast of the Duchy of Lucca, and consisted almost entirely of Havana cigars, sherry, and Malaga wines.
You see the sitting room we are now in--a pleasant little apartment, I think,--books, you see, papers, a smoking cabinet in which I can assure you that you will find the finest Havana cigars and the best cigarettes to be procured in London.
The video has been shot at Club Havana Cigar Lounge.
"It is alleged that (Cooper) armed himself, traveled to DuPage County, threatened a man trying to make an honest living and stole more than $1,200 from the Old Havana Cigar Shop," DuPage County State's Attorney Robert Berlin said in a written statement.
John Cusack plays the society magazine reporter John Kelso, who stumbles upon the case, while Spacey chews his best Havana cigar as the man accused of the heinous crime.
24-28: 16th Festival del Habano--Trade fair and largest international meeting for Havana cigar enthusiasts.
Oddest things we've seen were illustrations from the lids of Cuban and Havana cigar boxes and the bands that go around the cigars being sold alongside a selection of tissue wrapping papers from various brands of pipe tobacco.
It will include a cocktail followed by canapes and a chance to meet Courvoisier's UK brand ambassador, tasting three outstanding cognacs, and a talk from cigar expects Hunters & Frankau, with guests able to enjoy a handmade Havana cigar on the smoking terrace.
Che Guevara, the Cuban revolutionary, smoking a large Havana cigar.
Khatib's images of Cuba, in particular, are bursting with life and color, featuring some stunning portraits of old men and women and a series of images centered on the Havana cigar.