

(French ɡeklɛ̃)
(Biography) Bertrand du ?1320–80, French commander during the Hundred Years' War
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Their knights and squires, lad, are every whit as good as ours, and I could pick out a score of those who ride behind Du Guesclin who would hold the lists with sharpened lances against the best men in the army of England.
(11) Identificacion de los franceses con las blanches bandes, las companias blancas, tropas mercenarias francesas que habian intervenido en la guerra civil castellana al mando de Bertrand du Guesclin, a mediados del siglo xiv.
jacksonii (180 [m.sup.3]) from the south-west region of Western Australia (R du Guesclin pers.
Sempre piu Editions, 2 allee Du Guesclin, 93130 Noisy-le-Sec, France;
(7) Huizinga informa ademas que el poeta frances Eustache Deschamps (1340-1406), creador de las Nueve heroinas, trastoco el motivo incorporando un decimo caballero, Bertrand du Guesclin, heroe militar frances responsable de la recuperacion de Crecy y Poitiers en la Guerra de los Cien anos contra Inglaterra.
For all of the grandeur of Jean Froissart's chronicles or the lives of Bertrand du Guesclin and the Black Prince, written by Cuvelier and Chandos Herald, respectively, this "historical narcissism" increasingly did not reflect the reality of war (726).
Me and my Antarctican were in bed at the Guesclin Hotel sleeping off a slivovitz hangover."
Vernier (emeritus, Wayne State U.), who wrote The flower of chivalry; Bertrand du Guesclin and the Hundred years war, presents a page- turner that recounts the life and exploits of the dastardly Count of Foix, who ruled in Bearn, on the border of Spain, at the time of the Hundred Years War, the war against the Cathars, and the Investiture Controversy, all of which affected the Count in greater or lesser ways.