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1. a book in a museum, hotel, etc, in which a visitor can comment on his or her visit to that place
2. (Computer Science) a page on a website where visitors may leave messages or greetings
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
A recently uncovered signature in a guestbook has shed new light on a Nazi's visit to Jerusalem in 1933, and Israel's National Library is highlighting the find for Holocaust Remembrance Day.
LOOK: Mahathir signs Malacanang guestbook. @inquirerdotnet
She, on the occasion, laid a wreath at the mausoleum and signed the guestbook on behalf of the United States.
This was the expression used by French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve to annotate the guestbook of the Bardo Museum in Tunis where the French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve annotated the guestbook of the Bardo Museum in Tunis, where he went on Friday afternoon at the end of a two-day visit to Tunisia (April 6 and 7), leading a high-level French delegation.
For online guestbook and directions, please
ySTANBUL (CyHAN)- The guestbook of Ottoman painter, intellectual and statesman Osman Hamdi's youngest child is on view at a historical exhibition at Koc University's Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (AnaMed) in ystanbul.
15 ( ANI ): Justin Bieber, who recently visited the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, wrote in their guestbook that he hoped Frank "would have been a Belieber" if she had lived.
While many were ( quick to judge Justin Bieber's now infamous note in the Anne Frank House's guestbook, some have jumped to his aide, including ( Howard Stern and the Anne Frank House itself .
Condolences may be made on the guestbook of Howard L.
Frank Kornersmann, who has been studying Mennonite agriculture in southwest Germany for many years, has now published the guestbook of the Mollinger family.
The UN chief received details about the originality of the Mausoleum's architectural aspect, before signing its guestbook.
An online guestbook may be signed and message of condolenceposted at Then click on "Obituaries" in the upper right hand corner.