Guernsey lily

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Guernsey lily

(Plants) See nerine
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Nerine Bowdenii, also known as 'Guernsey Lily', are robust perennials with bright strap-shaped leaves up to 30cm long - 11/12cm bulbs supplied.
Also known as Guernsey Lily, they are robust, with bright strap shaped leaves up to 30cm long.
PLANT OF THE WEEK NERINE BOWDENII (GUERNSEY LILY) This late-flowering bulb will really brighten up a dull day with its vivid bright pink flowers.
NERINE BOWDENII (Guernsey lily) THIS late-flowering bulb will brighten up a dull day with its vivid bright pink flowers.
Fit new bulbs Plant pink Guernsey lily (nerine) bulbs outside in a warm sunny border or pot.
NERINES, often referred to as Guernsey Lily, are a robust perennial with bright strap-shaped leaves up to 30cms long.
Highlights include the Guernsey Lily, woods of bluebells and wildflower meadows.
Despite being referred to as the Cornish or Guernsey lily they are neither a lily nor from Cornwall or Guernsey, but originate from South Africa.
Commonly known as the Guernsey Lily, nerines are mostly plants for the cold greenhouse, but one strain, Nerine bowdenii, is much hardier, and flowers well throughout Scotland.
bowdenii, sometimes (and wrongly) called the Guernsey lily, with its pink lily-like flowers coming at that time in early autumn when it seems that the season is at an end.
Also known as the Guernsey lily, it is a robust perennial with strap-shaped leaves up to 30cm long.
Nerines, also known as the Guernsey Lily, are a robust perennial with bright strap leaves up to 30cm long.

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