Giles Lytton Strachey

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Noun1.Giles Lytton Strachey - English biographer and leading member of the Bloomsbury Group (1880-1932)Giles Lytton Strachey - English biographer and leading member of the Bloomsbury Group (1880-1932)
Bloomsbury Group - an inner circle of writers and artists and philosophers who lived in or around Bloomsbury early in the 20th century and were noted for their unconventional lifestyles
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References in periodicals archive ?
John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946) was 31 years old when World War One began and Giles Lytton Strachey (1880-1932) was three years his senior.
Es impactante el contraste, por ejemplo, entre el Keynes publico y el que se esconde en su correspondencia con quien sera, con sus vaivenes, su mejor amigo, Giles Lytton Strachey. La prioridad, sin duda, la tenia la esfera privada, donde entraban el amor y la filosofia.