gill pouch

Also found in: Medical.

gill pouch

(Zoology) any of a series of paired linear pouches in chordate embryos, arising as outgrowths of the wall of the pharynx. In fish and some amphibians they become the gill slits
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Dental muscle pale and short: length 17.8% TL, width 1.5% TL, only slightly overlapping with anteriormost gill pouch, resulting in the two rows of GPs lying closely together (Fig.
strickrotti in the most basal position add support to the view that a simple condition with the anterior gill aperture almost beside the anterior gill pouch is the plesiomorphic state, whereas a posterior origin of the gill apertures represents the apomorphic state.
(2005) argued that the transformation series suggested by Mok and McMillan (2004) (i.e., bifurcation from a site midway between the heart and the 1st gill pouch [e.g., E.