gilded cage

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gilded cage

A life that is luxurious but involves a lack of freedom.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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There were not lacking, however, evidences of what we may call the intelligent egoism of a youth who is charmed with the indolent, careless life of an only son, and who lives as it were in a gilded cage. By means of the two windows looking into the street, Albert could see all that passed; the sight of what is going on is necessary to young men, who always want to see the world traverse their horizon, even if that horizon is only a public thoroughfare.
Fanny liked it, because she was used to it, and had never known anything better; but Polly had, and often felt like a little wood-bird shut up in a gilded cage. Nevertheless, she was much impressed by the luxuries all about her, enjoyed them, wished she owned them, and wondered why the Shaws were not a happier family.
Their lyric videos for "Big Blue World" and "Girl in a Gilded Cage" both reached #2 on the World Videos chart, for which they were recognized by the Indie Music Hall of Fame.
The duo's single, "Girl In a Gilded Cage" reached #1 on the iTunes Belgium singles charts, earning the duo an Indie Music Hall of Fame Award, an Independent Music Awards nomination, and a slot as an Emerging Artist in Billboard Magazine.
Then we travelled back in time, and discovered the details surrounding how an ordinary family found themselves in what is, effectively, a gilded cage, and how mum, dad and son were caught up in a tangle of secrets and lies which were not of their own making.
The gilded cage that Kushner and Netanyahu have in mind for us is still a cage.
I wish his opposite number, Naomi Scott, had more to do as Princess Jasmine, but she makes the most of her screen time with constant bridling at her gilded cage existence.
In exchange for hefty bonuses, Hosts are confined in a gilded cage of optimal healthcare and rigorous surveillance, and cut off from their own family and friends.
The film, one of 17 competing for the festival's Golden Bear award, tells the story of Gareth Jones, the Welsh journalist who escaped the gilded cage of 1930s Moscow to discover that the facade of a thriving Soviet economy rested on Ukrainian corpses.
The expert said that living with the royal family is like being in a gilded cage, which is something that Princess Diana also experienced.
David Griffin was on the inside of her gilded cage, acting as her chauffeur, taking her to secret liaisons and helping her burn the Queen Mother's confidential letters.
But this time contestants who hit the big time after the show could buy their former gilded cage. Casa Amor is on the market for [euro]2.56 million.