
(redirected from Digi box)


(Broadcasting) trademark a device which converts the signals from a digital television broadcast into a form which can be viewed on a standard television set
[C20: from digi(tal) (sense 3) + box1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Pleaded guilty to, jointly with another, stealing hair straighteners, air fresheners, a digi box and toothpaste from Asda on May 28.
d e V, dt y h line up J Celebrity Juice stars with YouView digi box The firm said they had "no intention" of changing their name, adding: "This matter is complex and subject to a number of ongoing legal actions."
LINE UP Celebrity Juice stars with YouView digi box
A fairer method is to stop the public funding to S4C and let S4C introduce a pay to view similar to Sky movies and Sky Sports channel, which is along the lines suggested by ITV for its smaller ITV channels on the digi box. This will save Wales/Britain pounds 100m a year.
Initially the bilingual channel will only be accessible via Sky and Virgin Media but a next generation Freeview digi box out next year will receive the signal.
A set-top box, also refered to as a digi box, is an external device that connects to a television set and allows the viewer to receive digital signals.
I have a Daewoo DS700 digi box, which I've had for about 2 1/2 years, and it has worked well.
Big expensive presents are nice - nobody in their right mind would deny that if they've been on the receiving end of a DVD player or a digi box (my family's effort to drag mum into the 21st century last year) - but little things like the fridge magnet with "when I count my blessings I always count you twice" written all over it really make my day - even if it starts out as just an ordinary day.
SIR - Now that there is a publicity drive to get people to accept digital TV will we get some proper facts on the trial at Ferryside/Llanstephan and what can be expected from a single addition of a Digi box.
The containers have been introduced by the borough council, in addition to the facility at Judkins tip in Tuttle Hill, to make it easier for people to get rid of old or broken items such as video recorders, digi boxes, electronic toys, kettles, hairdryers, printers, irons, radios, torches, toasters, remote controls and shavers.
Sky believes the arrival of digi boxes gives it an opportunity to increase significantly.
Hi-fi specialist Richer Sounds was one of the few stores which opened its doors in Newcastle City Centre yesterday, offering bargains including digi boxes reduced from pounds 40 to pounds 10 and DVD players from pounds 30 to pounds 10.