digital divide

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digital divide

(Computer Science) informal the gap between those people who have internet access and those who do not
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

digital divide

The division between the sections of the world’s population who have computers and internet access and those who do not.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
fracture numérique
References in periodicals archive ?
Mapping the digital divide in Britain: implications for learning and education.
While the fortunate are able to take advantage of the unlimited repository of information, many are left behind in the information revolution, thus creating a digital divide between the developed and the developing nations and within nations in terms of ICT, computer, and Internet adoption and usage.
In addition to examining the importance of service learning in the profession, in LIS education and in practice, it is necessary--for the purposes of this article--to examine efforts around teaching the Digital Divide phenomenon in collegiate settings.
In an interview with the GDN, global ICT solutions firm Huawei Middle East President Shi Yaohong said while the digital divide is getting narrower, unfortunately it is also getting deeper in communities that have traditionally been neglected - leading to issues such as unemployment and inability to compete in the global job market.
Shi Yaohong, President of Huawei Middle East, speaks in an exclusive chat with Gulf News on how the digital divide is getting narrower but also deeper today and the challenges that still lay ahead for regions like the Middle East based on a new research released by the Economist Intelligence Unit and commissioned by the Chinese Information and communications technology (ICT) provider.
Following are 19 contributions beginning with theories of the digital divide and then addressing the situations in highly developed nations and regions, rapidly developing large nations, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and some under-studied nations and regions.
Internet Essentials is the nation's largest, most comprehensive broadband adoption initiative designed to help close the digital divide.
These programmes will play a pivotal role in reducing of digital divide between rural and urban areas of Pakistan, promote entrepreneurship and create jobs and new vistas at tehsil and union council levels, he added.
As West notes, the digital divide is a systematic problem and it will require libraries' collective effort to help address this concern.
While this is only one among many other public and private sector funding sources, it is clear that the focus on addressing the digital divide had expanded to include other issues, such as costs of accessing the Internet.
The 42 computers and other digital equipment donated to the two centers in central Vietnam will improve the information and technology skills of local citizens, bridging the digital divide between urban and rural areas, said Huang.
On the global view, really significant disparities exist in access to and use of information and communications technology (ICT) between countries (the "international digital divide") and between groups within countries (the "domestic digital divide").

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