
(redirected from Digi-box)


(Broadcasting) trademark a device which converts the signals from a digital television broadcast into a form which can be viewed on a standard television set
[C20: from digi(tal) (sense 3) + box1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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If you have a satellite based digi-box you should be able to follow BBC Scotland's own coverage.
By connecting it to your existing cable, digi-box or whatever, you can browse TV stations using the motion controls or voice commands, enabled by the new Kinect.
A recreation room used solely by Price contains a second flatscreen TV, with a digi-box and DVD player, a coffee table, bookcase, pictures and a mat.
Yet I have had my horizons broadened over the last couple of weeks by staying in Canterbury, without a broadband connection or a digi-box, in the company of Christians from across the world who are concerned for the welfare of this planet and those who live on it.
The vast majority of digital TV viewers at the moment have one digi-box and several old tellies and video recorders dotted around the house.
And every day on Wedi 7 and Wedi 3, it will be possible for one of you to win one of the newest LCD flat screen televisions along with a digi-box. Answer the questions and you could be hanging a telly on your wall.
It gives auds an extra 30 or so channels by connecting a so-called digi-box to analog sets.
Neighbour David Barber, 53, said: "Our video, DVD player and Digi-box have all blown up.
High Street retailer Dixons hammered another nail in the coffin of the failed digital channel by sending its customers letters offering to install a Sky mini-dish and remove their ITV Digi-box.
Or understand how to work out the digi-box? Or remove nuisance spiders from the sink?
I have a digi-box in my room, which I ordered from the Argos catalogue with my credits.