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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Siddaramaiah also accused former Prime Minister Deve Gowda of not allowing anyone else to grow.
During his previous speech in the Indian Parliament, former prime minister and Janata Dal (S) leader HD Deve Gowda said that would be his last speech in the Lok Sabha.
Both Deve Gowda and Kumaraswamy had called KCR to personally invite to the ceremony.
Thanks to the cooperation between the two countries, efforts are made to complete the railroad by 2023 and to finalize it with the construction of the tunnel at Deve Bair.
Dharam Deve Rathi further informed that the women particularly adults have developed phenomena of making their skin fair with healthy hairs which forced them to use cosmetic products irrespective of the fact that whether these products are suitable for their skin and hairs or not, he said and added that they are inspired with the advertisements of non branded companies being telecast at different television channels with guarantee that the use of these products can made them more beautiful with fair skin and healthy hairs with minimum time.
A postura do professor nao deve ser a de "ensinante" ne m a de treinador, mas a de "estar com" os alunos, trabalhar com eles, para que o ensinar seja algo vivo e estimulante.
From France, Deve is active in French groups on the network, such as Groups about French people in San Francisco and, more specifically, French people who like French food in San Francisco.
Por exemplo, a afirmativa E1 ("Sobre a expectativa do cliente") diz que: a instituicao deve ter equipamentos modernos, em certa medida, qualquer processo necessita de algum tipo de equipamento dependendo da resposta do entrevistado e possivel verificar em cada processo A, B, C...
Para individuos que queiram participar de atividade fisica de leve intensidade, como uma caminhada, o julgamento clinico do medico-assistente deve decidir quais exames previos devem ser realizados.