development aid

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Related to development aid: foreign aid

development aid

nAufbauhilfe f, → Entwicklungshilfe f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
THE Japan International Cooperation Agency (Jica) received the Development Aid Partner Award for Science, Technology and Innovation from Science Secretary Fortunato de la Pena at the recent culminating activity of Mission: PHL, the BusinessMirror EnvoysandExpats Awards, the pioneering initiative to recognize the Philippines's best partners in development cooperation.
The three-day exhibition, which aims to highlight the humanitarian and development aid provided by the UAE to many countries, in coordination with the Federal National Council (FNC), Emirates News Agency (WAM) reported.
BRUSSELS, Dec 18 (KUNA) -- The way in which European Union funding is channelled through NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations) for humanitarian and development aid, environmental protection, culture and other purposes needs to be more transparent, according to a new report published by the European Court of Auditors (ECA) Tuesday.
Investment and International Cooperation Minister Sahar Nasr and German Ambassador to Cairo Julius Georg Luy inked on Thursday memoranda establishing the framework for doling out development aid by KfW Development Bank and the German International Development Agency (GIZ), according to a statement from the German Embassy in Cairo.
Its mission is to execute development aid projects that offer sustainability and continuous benefits to beneficiaries over the long run.
Dubai: The UAE has maintained its ranking as the world's largest donor of official development aid, relative to its gross national income, for the fifth consecutive year.
Chinese Official Development Aid (ODA) will fund renewed plans to build mega dams in the ancestral territories of indigenous peoples.
The development aid provided by the UAE in the year 2016 reached Dh15.57 billion ($4.24 billion), making it the world's largest donor of official development aid, according to data released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
This is exactly what explains the geopolitical drives in shaping the world of development aid.
The programme was supported by the Catholic Organization for Relief and Development Aid (CORDAID), a Netherland non-government entity and Anglican International Development (AID) UK.
The Duterte administration turned down 250 million euros worth of development aid from the European Union (EU) because it 'may be used as the reason for interfering in the internal affairs of the country,' a Cabinet official familiar with the issue said.

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