

(Biography) Basil (Lewis). 1931–2011, South African-born cricketer who played for England. The South African government's refusal to admit him to the country as part of the England touring party in 1968 led to South Africa being banned from international cricket
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Daryl Mitchell was run out by Jeetan Patel's direct hit and when Brett D'Oliviera fell lbw to Henry Brookes, at 93 for four, the game was in the balance.
These are a just a few who sneaked in during recent decades to play for Queen and Country, even though they were from around the globe: Basil D'Oliviera, Tony Greig, Allan Lamb, Andrew Strauss, Kevin Pietersen (South Africa) Gladstone Small, Phillip De Freitas, Devon Malcolm(West Indies) Bob Woolmer, Nasser Hussain, Colin Cowdrey (India) Derek Pringle (Kenya) Ted Dexter (Italy) Ben Stokes, Andy Caddick (New Zealand) and Graeme Hick (Zimbabwe).
Sussex batted really well and when you've been in the field for nearly 150 overs that's tough so for Daryl (Mitchell) and Brett (D'Oliviera) to come out and bat in the way they did was outstanding for us.
Alastair Cook and his England squad with the Basil D'Oliviera Trophy after winning the South Africa Test series
A start, but for Britain the crunch came in 1968 when South Africa's government refused South African-born Basil D'Oliviera entry to the country as a member of the forthcoming England cricket tour.
He loved going to New Road, where he revelled in describing the exploits of the likes of Ian Botham, Norman Gifford, Graeme Hick, Basil D'Oliviera and Tom Graveney.
THE cricket world was in mourning yesterday after the death of England legend Basil D'Oliviera.
The other example which comes to mind was in 1969 when South Africa practicing their policy of apartheid did not allow Basil D'Oliviera, a colored South African settled and naturalized in Britain, to be part of the England team due to tour their country.
Blood samples were collected in EDTA coated vacutainers for identification of blood protozoa by polymerase chain reaction test (d'Oliviera et al., 1995) and in without EDTA coated vacutainers for IFA test as described by Chen et al.
Jake Gubitose scored the tying goal in the 77th minute for the host Warriors, who offset a three-goal game by Woolies senior Steve D'Oliviera.