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(Animals) a bird, Eurystomus orientalis, of S and SE Asia and Australia, with a round white spot on each wing: family Coraciidae (rollers), order Coraciiformes
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Higgins P (1999) The Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds, Volume 4, Parrots to Dollarbird. (Oxford University Press: Melbourne)
Parrots to dollarbird. In: Higgins PJ, Peter JM, Cowling SJ, eds.
The Azallini and Cox test detected one significant crossover G x Y interaction for grain redness (Reeves and Condor), one for grain yellowness (`Houtman' and `Stiletto'), and 12 for lutein (`Sunset' with `Dollarbird' and `Hartog'; `Carnamah' with Chile Late, Dollarbird, Hartog, Kiata, `Leichhardt', Sunelg, `Tasman', CDC Teal, AC Reed, and Argent).
Higgins PJ (Ed) (1999) Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic birds, Volume 4: Parrots to Dollarbird. (Oxford University Press: Melbourne)
Sr2 was detected in several highly resistant old, tall Kenyan cultivars like Kenya plume (Singh and McIntosh, 1986) and semidwarf CIMMYT, cultivars Pavon F 76, Parula, Kingbird, Dollarbird etc.
Wheat PGP responses have, however, been reported across a range of other cultivars including Janz, Frame, and Dollarbird (Whitelaw et al.
DNA sequence analysis of the 120-bp product cloned from Sr2 cultivars Hope, Cranbrook, and Dollarbird revealed 100% sequence identity, but when compared with cv.