Church Commissioners

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Church Commissioners

pl n
(Anglicanism) Brit a group of representatives of Church and State that administers the endowments and property of the Church of England
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"The properties of the church are held in trust for different dioceses by the Church Commissioners of Kenya which is a body corporate and a limited liability company with its own independent corporate status separate from the church," explained the bishop.NOT REPRESENTEDHe noted that the church commissioners' office was not represented in the court proceedings since Justice Makau did not allow them to join the suit.
The four sites, which include ancient woodland, are owned by the Church of England's Church Commissioners.
Church Commissioners also voted against a proposed PS11m back payment to Mr Ashley's brother, IT director John Ashley, which was controversial among investors.
According to the Church Commissioners latest financial report, figures show a total return on its investments in 2016 of 17.1%.
A spokesman for the Anglican Diocese said: "The proposed closure of the church of St Paul's Stoneycroft, and subsequent lease and sale to the Egyptian Coptic church, has been properly consulted upon within the diocese, and the process is now in the hands of Church Commissioners in London.
The church commissioners hold a 10% stake in a GBP600m bond issued in 2013 to raise funds to aid the separation of Williams & Glyn (W&G) from the taxpayer-backed lender.
Reedswood Retail Park in Walsall has been bought by the BP Pension Fund from the Church Commissioners for England.
You may also access the draft Scheme on the Commissioners' website from the link to draft schemes online at or obtain or inspect a copy during normal office hours at the Church Commissioners' office by applying to Emma Cosgrif.
He said he was powerless to force Church Commissioners to dump the controversial investment.
But on Sunday in an interview with The Sunday Telegraph newspaper, Welby said he had been unable to force the church's investment arm, the Church Commissioners, to exit the investment.
The old St Matthew's Church, which stands opposite Rugby School in Warwick Street, is currently up for sale and one of the bidders hoping to buy the property from the Church Commissioners for England is the newlyformed Greater Things (Rugby) Ltd.