Church Army

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Church Army

(Anglicanism) a voluntary Anglican organization founded in 1882 to assist the parish clergy
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class="MsoNormalHe was then appointed General Secretary of the Church Army Africa.
Nevertheless, the Church Army report offers refutation of the charge that "fresh expressions" primarily attract existing or bored Christians by transfer.
"The Centre of Mission is a welcome and inspiring initiative, bringing together the commitment of the diocese to be a witness to Jesus Christ with the enthusiasm and expertise of Church Army in evangelism," he said.
Mother-of-two Jade Watson, 44, met Daniel Thornton while working at the jail for the Church Army - an evangelical Church of England group.
BREAKING BARRIERS Dr John Sentamu with Captain Simon Cake of the Church Army.
Solace was founded by Ms Sanderson, of the Church Army, and James Karran, a Baptist minister, in 2007, with the aim of making church more accessible for young people.
Arthur, born in 1936, left Yarrabah at the age of 16 to attend the Church Army College near Newcastle.
At last week's conference, organised by the Church Army, clergy were shown how Doctor Who illustrated themes of resurrection, redemption and evil.
When he swept down the aisle it was at the head of a church army of painters and decorators, and once the work was planned the usual suspects were enlisted to provide the fixtures and fittings for his designs.
Every civilian organisation was represented at the camp, including the Red Cross, the Church Army, St John Ambulance and WVS, with tents scattered as far as the eye could see.
The town is partnering with OCN, the Regional Municipality of Kelsey and the local Anglican Church in hiring Anglican Church Army workers for a three-year pilot project to work with less fortunate community members.
He instead joined the Church Army. He became an education advisor in the Anglican Church and in 1969 he moved with his young family to work in Uganda.