factory farming

(redirected from Chicken factory)
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factory farm

A large-scale farming operation designed for efficient production, especially a large complex where animals are kept and tended in narrow cages or other close confinement.

factory farming n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

factory farming

n (Brit) → allevamento su scala industriale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
2 Sisters jobs are to go as factory closes down Food group 2 Sisters is to close its Essex chicken factory, resulting in the loss of more than 400 jobs.
With all due respect, a site just behind a chicken factory isn't the ideal place to hold weddings is it?
The move follows revelations earlier this year that the now-closed 2 Sisters Chicken Factory in Cambuslang, near Glasgow, got financial support based on the factory remaining open until 2020.
The Al Meera delegation visited Turkey's Samsun city and took a tour around Koytour Chicken factory to assess the quality standards of their exclusive partner, accompanied by its General Manager.
On the second day, the Al Meera delegation visited Samsun Governorship to take a tour around Koytour Chicken factory to assess the quality standards of their exclusive partner, with its general manager Yahiya Nafi.
The Al Meera team visited Samsun Governorship for a tour around Koytour Chicken Factory with general manager Yahiya Nafi to assess the quality standards of their exclusive partner.
Geraldine is a former pupil of St Stephen's Primary and St Patrick's High; she is a manager at Ethigen and previously worked at the Chunky Chicken factory in Coatbridge.
Cecilio Punzalan, 71, Reynaldo Apollo, 47, and Delfin delos Santos, 36, were caught depositing waste from a dressed chicken factory in Hermosa town at the lot in sitio (subvillage) Tamoto, Barangay (village) Mabatang.
Pinol and Mangudadatu inaugurated the operation of the country's first halal hatchery in Buluan, Maguindanao in support of equally unprecedented halal dressed chicken factory in the same town.
The chicken factory was opened two years ago with investments of EGP 100m and a production capacity of 12,000 tonnes per year.