

n, pl -dies
a term of endearment, esp for a child
[C18: from chick + biddy1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He rode his first winner in England at Exeter on September 7 that year on the Gordon Edwardstrained Chickabiddy and served as a conditional jockey for Toby Balding, a relationship which culminated in AP winning the Conditional Jump Jockeys Title in 1995.
The quality and sheer quantity of winners since he landed his first in Britain aboard Chickabiddy at Exeter in September 1994 has been phenomenal.
Achieving the 4,000 at Exeter would have been perfect symmetry for McCoy, who rode his first British winner at the track through Chickabiddy on September 7, 1994.
Sep 7, 1994: First winner in Britain, Chickabiddy at Exeter.
As a result of its association with children, historically the word is also linked to chickabiddy or, more simply, biddy.
First winner in Britain: Chickabiddy atExeter on September 7, 1994.
The 19-year-old was walking home along Chickabiddy Lane when she was pulled to the ground and had her head pushed against the wall.
In mild climates where temperatures don't drop below 27 |degrees~ to 32 |degrees~, cathedral bells, chickabiddy, and moonflower usually live over.
First winner: Legal Steps, Thurles (Flat) March 26 1992 First jumps winner: Riszard Gowran Park (hurdles) April 20 1994 First winner in Britain: Chickabiddy Exeter (hurdles) September 7 1994.
A double at Kempton courtesy of Captain Cutter and Foundation Man left McCoy on 3,998 career winners over jumps - and two successes at Exeter would see him reach the magical 4,000 at the track that saw him register his first British winner back in September 7, 1994, on the Gordon Edwards-trained Chickabiddy Captain Cutter survived a lessthan-fluent round of jumping to ultimately run out a comfortable winner of the Weatherbys Bank Foreign Exchange "National Hunt" Novices' Hurdle.
The iron man linked up with Toby Balding for the 1994-95 season and rode his first winner in this country on Chickabiddy at Exeter on September 7, 1994.