chicken run

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chicken run

(Historical Terms) the departure of white residents from South Africa
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Noun1.chicken run - an enclosed yard for keeping poultrychicken run - an enclosed yard for keeping poultry
yard - an enclosure for animals (as chicken or livestock)
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References in classic literature ?
To-morrow morning I'll help you lay out the chicken runs and houses.
So, there are a wide range of films and genres to choose from, such as 1945's classic black and white railway station romance Brief Encounter, which was made in Lancashire, and 2000 animation Chicken Run, whose creator Nick Parks is also from that county.
Chickens' nuggets We live in a world where a woman wanted to let her pet chicken run about inside her house, so she designed and made a nappy for it to wear.
Before The Bridge on the River Kwai, before The Great Escape, before Chicken Run, there was Stalag 17.
According to Yemen's Arabic-language al-Masirah television network, a Saudi-led drone attack on a chicken run in the Jarrahi district of the Western province of Hudaydah claimed the life of one Yemeni and inflicted injuries on another in the early hours of Thursday, presstv reported.
I've also used a bundt pan and made a huge cake to hang in the chicken run. When the chickens are cooped up during winter, they love the treat.
It wasn't quite so memorable as my visit in September 1996 with Liverpool, though, when I put the Reds up after three minutes and had a pint of beer thrown over me from the Chicken Run for my efforts.
ON the big screen she was the voice of rebel chicken Ginger in the 2000 movie Chicken Run from the creators of Wallace And Gromit.
The house is set in half an acre of landscaped gardens with vegetable garden, chicken run, greenhouses and summer house.
To mark the RSPCA's Farm Animal Week, a giant chicken run was built to show Assembly Members and others the tight space they claim millions of chicken have to live in.
But the boss - who himself took some stinging criticism from the notorious Ayresome Park Chicken Run as a youngster - believes the barracking is part of the job.
It was penned by Ed Solomon and Chris Matheson, who also created the Bill and Ted movies and Men in Black, while director Karey Kirkpatrick previously worked on the screenplays for Chicken Run and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.