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Related to Chese: chase
v. t.1.To choose
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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"For this was on seynt Volantynys day Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make." I can imagine the tercel, the male hawk, which is one-third smaller than the female: "I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment.
3.2.1 Occupational names with Latin assimilated borrowings as the derivational bases Candelman 1263, 1332, Candleman 1268 (candel~man 'a maker of candles, a chandler' MED); chesemangere 1186, schesemongere 1288, chesmonger 1319, chesemonger 1437 (chesemonger(e 'one who makes and/or sells cheese' MED, chese [A cese, WS ciese, cyse (ult.
The book "Havelok the Dane," dating from that era, mentions "Bred an chese, butere and milk, pastees and flaunes." The popular turnover can also be found in Geoffrey Chaucers "The Canterbury Tales," in the Prologue, which was written about 1386.
The findings by Chese (1997) indicate that culture is the greatest barrier for organization to create a successful knowledge based organization.
"Wild Salmon: Two Ways" with Bill McCallum of Billy Macs features Tillamook Cheddar Chese Soup; Fall Chinook Salmon (Indian Baked Style and Blackened Wild); Grandma's Rolls and Warm Apple Tarts.
The variability in approach to each of chese areas impairs the ability to compare results across studies.
163-68) At this point More turns to address his audience directly again: as Fortune had set the ways of wealth and poverty, success and failure side by side in her concluding words, so More does the same now: "chese whiche ye lyst, / Stately fortune, or humble povertee" (ll.

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