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An independent city of southeast Virginia south of Norfolk. Originally the southern portion of Norfolk County, its vast area includes residential communities, farmland, and a section of the Dismal Swamp.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈtʃɛs əˌpik)

a city in SE Virginia. 192,342.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The winter was extremely severe, and the ship, with many others, was detained by the ice in and about Chesapeake Bay for nearly three months.
Here's a grave I didn't see before -- this one in the iron railing -- oh, girls, look, see -- the stone says it's the grave of a middy who was killed in the fight between the Shannon and the Chesapeake. Just fancy!"
Time's finger had turned back his pages, and that was the Shannon sailing triumphant up the bay with the Chesapeake as her prize.
This Narrative contains many affecting incidents, many passages of great eloquence and power; but I think the most thrilling one of them all is the de- scription DOUGLASS gives of his feelings, as he stood soliloquizing respecting his fate, and the chances of his one day being a freeman, on the banks of the Chesapeake Bay--viewing the receding vessels as they flew with their white wings before the breeze, and apostrophizing them as animated by the living spirit of freedom.
Frigate Chesapeake was killed on June 1, 1813, as his ship was captured by H.M.S.
Then we had the great river or bay of Chesapeake to cross, which is where the river Potomac falls into it, near thirty miles broad, and we entered more great vast waters whose names I know not, so that our voyage was full two hundred miles, in a poor, sorry sloop, with all our treasure, and if any accident had happened to us, we might at last have been very miserable; supposing we had lost our goods and saved our lives only, and had then been left naked and destitute, and in a wild, strange place not having one friend or acquaintance in all that part of the world.
And then follow "The British Grenadiers," "Billy Taylor," "The Siege of Seringapatam," "Three Jolly Postboys," and other vociferous songs in rapid succession, including "The Chesapeake and Shannon," a song lately introduced in honour of old Brooke; and when they come to the words,
It had been my intention to proceed by James River and Chesapeake Bay to Baltimore; but one of the steamboats being absent from her station through some accident, and the means of conveyance being consequently rendered uncertain, we returned to Washington by the way we had come (there were two constables on board the steamboat, in pursuit of runaway slaves), and halting there again for one night, went on to Baltimore next afternoon.
Chesapeake was named a top place to work in Delaware for the eighth consecutive year, and in central Florida, Chesapeake's subsidiary, Florida Public Utilities Company, earned Top Workplace recognition for the first time.
DOVER, DE -- Chesapeake Utilities Corporation (NYSE: CPK) announced today that the Company has been recognized as a Top Workplace by Energage, a research firm that specializes in organizational health and workplace engagement.
Madden, a former senior advisor to Maryland Governor Larry Hogan from 2015 to 2017, was appointed to the board of directors of Chesapeake Employers' Insurance Company, effective June 1, 2019.
For more information on Chesapeake and its Metates Project, please visit our website at or contact investor relations at 604-731-1094.

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