down feather

(redirected from Bird down)
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.down feather - soft fine feathers
feather, plumage, plume - the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
duck down - down of the duck
goose down - down of the goose
swan's down - down of the swan
plumule - down feather of young birds; persists in some adult birds
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References in periodicals archive ?
Jason said: "You've let my bird down. I'll show you what happens when you let people down.
Despite attempts to clean the bird, vets decided there was no other option but to put the bird down.
Ray said that, after around 20 minutes of the owner and dozens of others trying to coax the bird down, the parrot eventually flew back.
I'd knocked a bird down at the edge of a big tumbleweed and was singlemindedly hustling over to grab it when my Uncle Mick grabbed me, pulled me back, unlimbered his Remington 870 and shredded the coiled, 4-foot Western Diamondback I was on a collision course with.
In addition, a broken wing will bring the bird down where a second shot can dispatch it quickly.
In mild cases of stress or just to cool a bird down where misting hasn't worked, take a clean sponge, dipping it into cool water and squeezing it onto the skin under each wing.
While hunting sage grouse in Wyoming, I found that I could knock a bird down quickly and switch to another target within fractions of a second.
Sunset, hotel and bird down at Cardiff Bay, sent in by David Lloyd, who said, "I love photography and evening I got the bus down to Cardiff Bay with a friend and it was a beautiful evening with the sun the sunset and here is one of the sunset over the hotel in the distance, the sea and a silhouetted bird Sunset, hotel and bird down at Cardiff Bay, sent in by David Lloyd, who said, "I love photography and evening I got the bus down to Cardiff Bay with a friend and it was a beautiful evening with the sun the sunset and here is one of the sunset over the hotel in the distance, the sea and a silhouetted bird often go on my day trips taking photographs wherever I go.
He tweeted: "I'm sorry Flappy Bird users, 22 hours from now, I will take Flappy Bird down. I cannot take this anymore."
Forever banging on about how she is just an ordinary sweary bird down the pub, and yet, by her own admission, asking her parents if she could have an agent at the age of three" Commentator Julie Burchill on actress Keira Knightley
Forever banging on about how she is just an ordinary sweary bird down the pub and yet, by her own admission, asking her parents if she could have an agent at the age of three"- Commentator Julie Burchill on actress Keira Knightley.