bird table

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bird table

a table or platform in the open on which food for birds may be placed
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I went out and bought a bird table, wild bird food, fat balls, suet bars and some nuts.
The bird table has been quiet because of the mild spring, but now the birds are back and in full voice and causing a commotion every time I put out food.
MY bird table was full to overflowing with leftovers during the festive period.
| GET your bird table cleaned and stock up on some bird food for the autumn.
Get your bird table cleaned and stock up some bird food for the autumn.
WHAT YOU WILL NEED Bird feeders, bird table, choice of bird seed mixtures, such as bird cake and food bars, sunflower seeds or hearts, nyjer seeds, live foods and other insect foods, lard and beef suet, cooked rice, uncooked oats.
If you buy fat balls, remove them from any nets and put them in a safer, bespoke hanging feeder, or leave them loose on a bird table.
Leave enough string so you can tie the pot to a tree or bird table. 3 Allow the lard to warm up to room temperature but don't melt it.
Q HOW can I encourage birds to visit my bird table? - Rose Williams, via email
We've even gone to the extreme of placing a bird table in our front garden full of peanuts and witness squirrels racing down the tree trunks and climbing up the bird table for breakfast.
Winter is with us and our bird table is busy - house sparrows, dunnock, siskin, greenfinch, chaffinch, reed bunting, great tit, blue tit, coal tit, blackbird, robin and wren.
The best investment any gardener can make is a bird table.