bird of peace

bird of peace

a figurative name for dove11
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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His monolithic 'Bird of Peace' carving, for instance, is perched at the lawns of the Unesco headquarters in Paris.
In the Noughties, the bird of peace all had all but disappeared from the city's public spaces - but it has now reappeared in the Northern Quarter, on T-shirts and jumpers.
The airline marked the departure of the planes, the other a Boeing 737, with a message on its Facebook page: "The bird of peace has just flown to #Asmara #Familyreunion #Ethiopia #Eritrea."
This is a political and artistic statement, with images of war, fallen soldiers, frightened human shields, a bullet piercing the bird of peace, and a burning mosque.
He said the pigeon was a bird of peace, of togetherness.
This one is by two Cypriots and one Swiss artist and depicts a colourful bird of peace.
Depending on where you are in the United States, the dove is either a bird of peace not to be shot or it is an important game bird to be shot on a limited basis.
"The dove is the bird of peace used by Noah to find land when he was master of the ark."
It is a wonderfully strong bird, but I would rather we looked at a national bird of peace, like the dove.
A towering figure painted with multitudes of hands raised forth a child holding a bird of peace. A huge dove ushered in hundreds of smaller doves, followed by the "Radical Revolution, Family Style," a cluster of relatives dancing around spinning sculptures that imaginatively portrayed the principles of the United Nations's Declaration of Rights for the Child.
A bird of peace flies overhead Its gentle sounds bring harmony and hope to the people below A man with a grin turns away Fools all of them A tiny thing with frail wings is no match for hate Flying above with its message of peace The beautiful bird soars high People watch and suddenly cry It falls with agonising pain as the man with the gun shoots again Hope and peace are once more destroyed People turn away A silent gasp and a triumphal cry as the bird of peace takes to the sky Its wings and chest are held high Hope and peace are a magical thing and men with guns Don't understand a thing Only when the last human dies will darkness and despair cloud the skies.