bird strike

(redirected from Bird aircraft strike hazard)
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bird strike

(Aeronautics) a collision of an aircraft with a bird
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The Kyrgyz Transport Prosecutor's Office has checked compliance with aviation safety requirements near Manas Airport in connection with growing bird aircraft strike hazard.
The key objective of Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard campaign is to create awareness about the issue of bird strike on the aircraft and its implications on the aviation industry, ensuring safety of the passengers and safe flight operations at the airport.
Brent Curlee emphasized the importance of reporting all bird strikes; documenting species distribution changes over time and the need to make Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard Management (BASHM) plans.
ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) has launched countrywide campaign on 'Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard' at major airports including Benazir Bhutto International Airport Islamabad, Allama Iqbal International Airport Lahore and Jinnah International Airport Karachi.
For the same period in question, PAL reported 86 bird strikes (known in the aviation industry as BASH: bird aircraft strike hazard) around Naia.
We developed a project to assess Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) risk of breeding and migrating Osprey.
A bird strike or BASH (Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard) event happens most often during takeoff, landing, or during low altitude flight.
To begin with, according to the III (Insurance Information Institute) bird strikes on airplanes, also known as "BASH" for Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard, are extremely common, occurring almost every day and generally without incident.
ISLAMABAD -- Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) on Thursday launched awareness campaign on Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard (BASH) for the general public to keep the surrounding areas clean from garbage, refuse and waste around airport sites.