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left to right: round-head machine screw, flat-head wood screw, and round-head wood screw


a. A cylindrical rod incised with one or more helical or advancing spiral threads, as a lead screw or worm screw.
b. The tapped collar or socket that receives this rod.
2. A metal pin with incised threads and a broad slotted head that can be driven as a fastener by turning with a screwdriver, especially:
a. A tapered and pointed wood screw.
b. A cylindrical and flat-tipped machine screw.
3. A device having a helical form, such as a corkscrew.
4. A propeller.
5. A twist or turn, as of a screw.
6. Slang
a. A prison guard.
b. The turnkey of a jail.
7. Vulgar Slang The act or an instance of having sexual intercourse.
8. Chiefly British Slang
a. Salary; wages.
b. A small paper packet, as of tobacco.
c. An old broken-down horse.
d. A stingy or crafty bargainer.
v. screwed, screw·ing, screws
1. To drive or tighten (a screw).
a. To fasten, tighten, or attach by means of a screw or similar fastener.
b. To attach (a tapped or threaded fitting or cap) by twisting into place.
c. To rotate (a part) on a threaded axis.
3. To contort (one's face).
4. Slang
To treat (someone) unfairly; exploit or cheat: screwed me out of the most lucrative sales territory.
5. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with.
1. To turn or twist.
a. To become attached by means of the threads of a screw.
b. To be capable of such attachment.
3. Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse.
Phrasal Verbs:
screw around
1. Slang To act or fool around aimlessly or in a confused way and accomplish nothing.
2. Vulgar Slang To be sexually promiscuous.
screw over
Slang To treat (someone) unfairly.
screw up
1. To muster or summon up: screwed up my courage.
2. Slang To make a mess of (an undertaking).
3. Slang To injure or damage: Lifting those boxes really screwed up my back. That decision screwed up my career.
4. Slang To cause (someone) to be emotionally or mentally troubled: His father's harshness really screwed him up.
have a screw loose Slang
To behave in an eccentric or mentally deranged manner.

[Middle English skrewe, from Old French escrove, female screw, nut, perhaps from Medieval Latin scrōfa, from Latin, sow; see sker- in Indo-European roots.]

screw′a·ble adj.
screw′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Mechanical Engineering) a device used for fastening materials together, consisting of a threaded and usually tapered shank that has a slotted head by which it may be rotated so as to cut its own thread as it bores through the material
2. (Mechanical Engineering) Also called: screw-bolt a threaded cylindrical rod that engages with a similarly threaded cylindrical hole; bolt
3. (Mechanical Engineering) a thread in a cylindrical hole corresponding with that on the bolt or screw with which it is designed to engage
4. anything resembling a screw in shape or spiral form
5. a twisting movement of or resembling that of a screw
6. (Billiards & Snooker) billiards snooker
a. a stroke in which the cue ball recoils or moves backward after striking the object ball, made by striking the cue ball below its centre
b. the motion resulting from this stroke
7. (Mechanical Engineering) another name for propeller1
8. slang a prison guard
9. slang Brit salary, wages, or earnings
10. Brit a small amount of salt, tobacco, etc, in a twist of paper
11. slang a person who is mean with money
12. (Horse Racing) slang an old, unsound, or worthless horse
13. (often plural) slang force or compulsion (esp in the phrase put the screws on)
14. slang sexual intercourse
15. have a screw loose informal to be insane
16. turn the screw tighten the screw slang to increase the pressure
17. (Mechanical Engineering) (tr) to rotate (a screw or bolt) so as to drive it into or draw it out of a material
18. (Mechanical Engineering) (tr) to cut a screw thread in (a rod or hole) with a tap or die or on a lathe
19. to turn or cause to turn in the manner of a screw
20. (tr) to attach or fasten with a screw or screws
21. (tr) informal to take advantage of; cheat
22. (often foll by: up) to distort or contort: he screwed his face into a scowl.
23. (General Sporting Terms) Also: screw back to impart a screw to (a ball)
24. (tr, often foll by from or out of) to coerce or force out of; extort
25. slang to have sexual intercourse (with)
26. (tr) slang to burgle
27. have one's head screwed on have one's head screwed on the right way informal to be wise or sensible
[C15: from French escroe, from Medieval Latin scrōfa screw, from Latin: sow, presumably because the thread of the screw is like the spiral of the sow's tail]
ˈscrewer n
ˈscrewˌlike adj
Usage: The use of this otherwise utilitarian word in a sexual sense, though recorded in an 18th century slang dictionary, does not appear to have really taken off until well into the 20th. Although a classic example of the anatomical metaphor for the sex act seen from the male point of view, it can be used with a woman as the subject, which suggests that the metaphor is all but dead
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. a metal fastener having a tapered shank with a helical thread, and topped with a slotted head, driven into wood or the like by rotating, as with a screwdriver.
2. a threaded cylindrical rod, with a head at one end, that engages a threaded hole and is used as a fastener, clamp, etc. Compare bolt 1 (def. 1).
3. a tapped or threaded hole.
4. something having a spiral form.
6. a single turn of a screw.
7. a twisting movement.
8. Brit.
a. a little salt, tobacco, etc., carried in a twist of paper.
b. Slang. a debilitated horse.
c. Slang. a miser.
9. Slang. a prison guard.
10. Vulgar Slang.
a. an act of sexual intercourse.
b. a sexual partner.
11. to turn or tighten (a screw).
12. to fasten or attach with or as if with a screw or screws.
13. to attach, detach, or adjust (a threaded part) by a twisting motion.
14. to operate or adjust by a screw, as a press.
15. to contort as by twisting; distort.
16. to strengthen or intensify (usu. fol. by up): I screwed up my courage and asked for a raise.
17. to coerce or threaten.
18. to extract or extort.
19. Slang. to cheat or take advantage of (someone).
20. Vulgar Slang. to have sexual intercourse with.
21. to become attached, detached, or adjusted by being twisted: The bottle top screws on.
22. Vulgar Slang. to have sexual intercourse.
23. screw around,
a. Slang. to waste time.
b. Slang: Usu. Vulgar. to be promiscuous.
24. screw up, Slang.
a. to ruin or botch; make a mess of.
b. to cause to become troubled, neurotic, or incapable of handling one's life.
1. have a screw loose, to behave or think oddly.
2. put the screws on, to use coercion on; force.
[1375–1425; late Middle English scrwe, screw(e) (n.)]
screw′a•ble, adj.
screw′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: screwed
Gerund: screwing

I screw
you screw
he/she/it screws
we screw
you screw
they screw
I screwed
you screwed
he/she/it screwed
we screwed
you screwed
they screwed
Present Continuous
I am screwing
you are screwing
he/she/it is screwing
we are screwing
you are screwing
they are screwing
Present Perfect
I have screwed
you have screwed
he/she/it has screwed
we have screwed
you have screwed
they have screwed
Past Continuous
I was screwing
you were screwing
he/she/it was screwing
we were screwing
you were screwing
they were screwing
Past Perfect
I had screwed
you had screwed
he/she/it had screwed
we had screwed
you had screwed
they had screwed
I will screw
you will screw
he/she/it will screw
we will screw
you will screw
they will screw
Future Perfect
I will have screwed
you will have screwed
he/she/it will have screwed
we will have screwed
you will have screwed
they will have screwed
Future Continuous
I will be screwing
you will be screwing
he/she/it will be screwing
we will be screwing
you will be screwing
they will be screwing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been screwing
you have been screwing
he/she/it has been screwing
we have been screwing
you have been screwing
they have been screwing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been screwing
you will have been screwing
he/she/it will have been screwing
we will have been screwing
you will have been screwing
they will have been screwing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been screwing
you had been screwing
he/she/it had been screwing
we had been screwing
you had been screwing
they had been screwing
I would screw
you would screw
he/she/it would screw
we would screw
you would screw
they would screw
Past Conditional
I would have screwed
you would have screwed
he/she/it would have screwed
we would have screwed
you would have screwed
they would have screwed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.screw - someone who guards prisonersscrew - someone who guards prisoners  
keeper - someone in charge of other people; "am I my brother's keeper?"
law officer, lawman, peace officer - an officer of the law
2.screw - a simple machine of the inclined-plane type consisting of a spirally threaded cylindrical rod that engages with a similarly threaded hole
inclined plane - a simple machine for elevating objects; consists of plane surface that makes an acute angle with the horizontal
3.screw - a propeller with several angled blades that rotates to push against water or airscrew - a propeller with several angled blades that rotates to push against water or air
outboard motor, outboard - internal-combustion engine that mounts at stern of small boat
propeller, propellor - a mechanical device that rotates to push against air or water
ship - a vessel that carries passengers or freight
4.screw - a fastener with a tapered threaded shank and a slotted head
Allen screw - a screw with a hexagonal hole in the head
bolt - a screw that screws into a nut to form a fastener
cap screw - a threaded screw for machine parts; screws into a tapped hole
fastening, holdfast, fastener, fixing - restraint that attaches to something or holds something in place
head - a projection out from one end; "the head of the nail", "a pinhead is the head of a pin"
machine screw - a screw used either with a nut or with a tapped hole; slotted head can be driven by a screwdriver
metal screw - screw made of metal
Phillips screw - a screw with a special head having crossed slots
screw thread, thread - the raised helical rib going around a screw
setscrew - a screw (often without a head) that fits into the boss or hub of a wheel or cam etc. and prevents motion of the part relative to the shaft on which it is mounted
setscrew - a screw that is used to adjust the tension on a spring
thumbscrew - screw designed to be turned with the thumb and fingers
woodscrew - a metal screw that tapers to a point so that it can be driven into wood with a screwdriver
worm - screw thread on a gear with the teeth of a worm wheel or rack
5.screw - slang for sexual intercoursescrew - slang for sexual intercourse  
carnal knowledge, copulation, sex act, sexual congress, sexual relation, relation, congress - the act of sexual procreation between a man and a woman; the man's penis is inserted into the woman's vagina and excited until orgasm and ejaculation occur
dirty word, obscenity, smut, filth - an offensive or indecent word or phrase
jargon, lingo, patois, argot, vernacular, slang, cant - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo"
Verb1.screw - have sexual intercourse withscrew - have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
neck, make out - kiss, embrace, or fondle with sexual passion; "The couple were necking in the back seat of the car"
have, take - have sex with; archaic use; "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"
copulate, mate, couple, pair - engage in sexual intercourse; "Birds mate in the Spring"
archaicism, archaism - the use of an archaic expression
2.screw - turn like a screw
screw up - screw or turn higher
revolve, rotate, go around - turn on or around an axis or a center; "The Earth revolves around the Sun"; "The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"
3.screw - cause to penetrate, as with a circular motion; "drive in screws or bolts"
revolve, rotate, go around - turn on or around an axis or a center; "The Earth revolves around the Sun"; "The lamb roast rotates on a spit over the fire"
4.screw - tighten or fasten by means of screwing motions; "Screw the bottle cap on"
tighten, fasten - make tight or tighter; "Tighten the wire"
unscrew - loosen by turning; "unscrew the bottle cap"
5.screw - defeat someone through trickery or deceit
beat, beat out, vanquish, trounce, crush, shell - come out better in a competition, race, or conflict; "Agassi beat Becker in the tennis championship"; "We beat the competition"; "Harvard defeated Yale in the last football game"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. nail, pin, tack, rivet, fastener, spike Each bracket is fixed to the wall with just three screws.
1. fasten, fix, attach, bolt, clamp, rivet I like the sort of shelving that you screw on the wall.
2. crumple, crush, squash, crunch, mash She screwed the letter up into a ball and threw it in the bin.
3. turn, wind, twist, tighten, work in Screw down the lid fairly tightly.
4. (Informal) contort, twist, distort, contract, wrinkle, warp, crumple, deform, pucker He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain.
5. (Taboo slang) have intercourse with, fuck (taboo slang), sleep with, have sex with, shag (Brit. taboo slang), hump (taboo slang), bonk (informal) You mean he was screwing her?
6. (Informal) cheat, do (slang), rip (someone) off (slang), skin (slang), trick, con, stiff (slang), sting (informal), deceive, fleece, defraud, dupe, overcharge, swindle, rook (slang), bamboozle (informal), diddle (informal), take (someone) for a ride (informal), put one over on (someone) (informal), pull a fast one (on someone) (informal), take to the cleaners (informal), sell a pup (to) (slang), hornswoggle (slang) We've been screwed.
7. (Informal) (often with out of) squeeze, extort, wring, extract, wrest, bleed someone of something rich nations screwing money out of poor nations
put the screws on someone (Informal) coerce, force, compel, drive, squeeze, intimidate, constrain, oppress, lean on, dragoon, steamroller, pressurize, browbeat, press-gang, twist someone's arm, bring pressure to bear on, put the heat on, hold a knife to someone's throat They had to put the screws on Harper to get the information they needed.
screw something up
1. contort, contract, wrinkle, knot, knit, distort, crumple, pucker She screwed up her eyes.
2. (Informal) bungle, botch, mess up, spoil, bitch (up) (slang), queer (informal), cock up (Brit. slang), mishandle, fuck up (offensive taboo slang), make a mess of (slang), mismanage, make a hash of (informal), make a nonsense of, bodge (informal), flub (U.S. slang), louse up (slang) Get out. Haven't you screwed things up enough already!
screw you or that (Slang) sod you or that (taboo slang), coerce, bugger you or that (taboo slang), fuck you or that (taboo slang) `Screw you,' he said bitterly, `I don't need you.'
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
دَوَران اللولَب، لَوْلَبَهقَلَاوُوظلَوْلَب، بُرْغييَبْرُم اللولَبيُثْبِت باللولَب
átver vkitbecsavaráscsavarmegdugrácsavar
skrúfaskrúfgangur, snúningur
atsuktiatsuktuvasbūti apgautambūti apsuktamdulkinti
otočenie skrutkypodviesťskrutkovaťsúložiťzaskrutkovať
đinh vít


A. N
1.tornillo m
he's got a screw loosele falta un tornillo
to put the screws on sbapretar las clavijas a algn, presionar a algn
2. (Aer, Naut) → hélice f
3. (= prison officer) → carcelero/a m/f
4. (= sexual intercourse) → polvo m
1. [+ screw] → atornillar; [+ nut] → apretar; [+ lid] → dar vueltas a, enroscar
to screw sth downfijar algo con tornillos
to screw sth to the wallfijar algo a la pared con tornillos
to screw sth (in) tightatornillar algo bien fuerte
to screw money out of sbsacarle dinero a algn
to screw the truth out of sbarrancarle la verdad a algn
2. (= have sex with) → joder
screw the cost, it's got to be done! (fig) → ¡a la porra el gasto, tiene que hacerse!
3. (= defraud) → timar, estafar
C. VIjoder, echar un polvo, coger (LAm) , chingar (Mex)
D. CPD screw top Ntapa f de tornillo
see also screw-top
screw around VI + ADVligar
screw off
A. VT + ADVdesenroscar
B. VI + ADVdesenroscarse
the lid screws offla tapadera se desenrosca
screw on
1. (with screws) to screw sth on to a boardfijar algo en un tablón con tornillos
he's got his head screwed onsabe cuántas son cinco
2. (by twisting) to screw on a lidenroscar una tapa
screw the lid on tightlyenrosca or mete bien la tapa
1. (with screws) it screws on herese fija aquí con tornillos
2. (by twisting) the lid screws onla tapa se cierra a rosca or enroscándose
screw together
A. VI + ADVjuntarse con tornillos
B. VT + ADVarmar (con tornillos)
screw up
1. [+ paper, material] → arrugar
to screw up one's eyesarrugar el entrecejo
to screw up one's facetorcer la cara
to screw up one's courage (fig) → armarse de valor
to screw o.s. up to do stharmarse de valor para hacer algo
2. [+ screw] → atornillar; [+ nut] → apretar
to screw sth up tightatornillar algo bien fuerte
3. (= ruin) → fastidiar, joder, fregar (LAm), chingar (Mex)
the experience really screwed him upla experiencia lo dejó completamente hecho polvo
1. (by turning) it will screw up tighter than thatse puede apretar todavía más
2. (US) he really screwed up this timeesta vez sí que lo fastidió or (LAm) fregó
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(for joining things together)vis f
she's got a screw loose → elle a une case en moins
to turn the screw (fig)serrer la vis
to tighten the screws on sb (= put pressure on) → serrer la vis à qn
(= propeller) → hélice f
(British) (= prison warder) → maton(ne) m/f
(= sex) to have a screw → tirer un coup
to be a good screw → être un bon coup
(= fix with screws) → visser
She screwed the shelf on the wall → Elle a vissé l'étagère sur le mur.
to screw sth to the wall → visser qch au mur
to have one's head screwed on, to have one's head screwed on right, to have one's head screwed on the right way (= be sensible) → avoir la tête sur les épaules
(= fasten by twisting) [+ lid, top] → visser
Kelly screwed the silencer onto the pistol → Kelly vissa le silencieux sur le pistolet.
to screw together → se visser
The poles screw together → Les tiges se vissent ensemble.
(= crumple) → chiffonner
He screwed the paper into a ball → Il chiffonna le papier en boule.
(= twist) [+ face]
He screwed his face into an expression of mock pain → Son visage se tordit en une expression de douleur feinte.
to screw one's face into a smile → grimacer un sourire
(= have sex with) → baiser
(= con) → baiser
We've been screwed → On s'est fait baiser.
(in exclamations) screw you! → va te faire foutre!
screw the cost! → au diable le prix!
(British) (= get by force) to screw money from sb, to screw money out of sb → extorquer de l'argent à qn
[part, component, bulb, lid] → se visser
The bulb screws into any standard light socket → L'ampoule se visse dans n'importe quelle douille standard.
(= have sex) → baiser
screw down
vt sep
(= fix with screws) [+ floorboards] → visser
(= fasten by twisting) [+ lid, top] → visser
Screw the lid down tightly → Vissez le couvercle fermement.
vi [lid, top] → se visser
screw up
vt sep
[+ paper, material] → chiffonner
to screw up one's face → faire la grimace
to screw up one's eyes → plisser les yeux
(= summon up) to screw up one's courage → prendre son courage à deux mains
(= ruin) [+ holiday, plan, machine, job] → fiche en l'air
The car broke down, so that screwed up our holiday → La voiture est tombée en panne et ça a fichu nos vacances en l'air.
They screwed things up big time
BUT Ils ont merdé quelque chose de bien. >.
(psychologically) [+ person] → perturber
vi (= make a mess of things) → merder
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(Mech) → Schraube f; he’s got a screw loose (inf)bei dem ist eine Schraube locker (inf); to put or turn or tighten the screws on somebody (inf) to turn the screw on somebody (inf)jdm die Daumenschrauben anlegen; this is another turn of the screwdas macht es noch schlimmer, das setzt sie/ihn etc noch mehr unter Druck
(Naut, Aviat) → Schraube f, → Propeller m
(= action)Drehung f; to give something a screwan etw (dat)drehen
(sl: = sexual intercourse) → Nummer f (inf); he/she is a good screwer/sie vögelt gut (inf); to have a screwvögeln (inf), → bumsen (inf)
(Brit inf: = wage) he earns a good screwer verdient ganz schön viel Kohle (inf); that’s not a bad screwbei dem Job stimmt die Kohle (inf)
(Brit sl: = prison officer) → Schließer(in) m(f) (inf)
(using screws) → schrauben (→ to an +acc, → onto auf +acc); he screwed his head rounder drehte seinen Kopf herum; she screwed her handkerchief into a ballsie knüllte ihr Taschentuch zu einem Knäuel zusammen; he screwed his face into a smileer verzog das Gesicht zu einem Lächeln
(inf: = put pressure on) → in die Mangel nehmen (inf); to screw somebody for somethingetw aus jdm herausquetschen (inf)
(sl: = have intercourse with) → vögeln (inf), → bumsen (inf); screw you! (sl)leck mich am Arsch! (vulg), → du kannst mich mal! (inf)
(inf) (= rip off)abzocken (inf); (= cheat)bescheißen (sl); we’re not out to screw you for every penny you’ve gotwir wollen dich nicht abzocken (inf)
(= can be screwed)sich schrauben lassen; (= fasten with screw)angeschraubt werden
(sl: = have intercourse) → vögeln (inf), → bumsen (inf)


screwball (esp US inf)
nSpinner(in) m(f) (inf)
adjhirnverbrannt (inf)
screw cap
nSchraubverschluss mor -deckel m; (Tech) → Überwurfmutter f
nSchraubendreher m, → Schraubenzieher m (inf)


screw nut
n (Tech) → Schraubenmutter f
screw plug
n (Tech) → Verschlussschraube f
screw top
adjmit Schraubverschluss
n (inf: = muddle) → Chaos nt (inf); it was one big screwes war das totale Chaos (inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n
a.vite f (Brit) (old) (of sweets) → cartoccio
he's got a screw loose (fig) (fam) → gli manca una rotella
to put the screws on sb (fig) (fam) → far pressione su qn
b. (propeller) → elica
c. (fam) (prison officer) → secondino
d. (fam!) (sexual intercourse) → chiavata (fam!)
2. vt
to screw sth to the wall → fissare qc al muro con viti
to screw sth (up) tight → avvitare bene qc
to screw money out of sb (fam) → far scucire soldi a qn
to screw one's head round → storcere la testa
to have one's head screwed on → avere la testa sulle spalle
b. (fam!) (have sex with) → chiavare (fam!)
screw you! → va' farti fottere!
3. vi (fam!) (have sex) → chiavare (fam!)
screw off
1. vi + advsvitarsi
2. vt + advsvitare
screw together
1. vi + advavvitarsi
2. vt + adv (kit) → montare con viti; (two pieces) → avvitare
screw up vt + adv
a. (paper, material) → spiegazzare
to screw up one's eyes → strizzare gli occhi
to screw up one's face → fare una smorfia
to screw up one's courage (fig) → armarsi di coraggio
b. (fam) (ruin) → mandare all'aria
he really screwed it up this time! → stavolta ha fatto davvero un casino!
to screw sb up (fig) (fam) → incasinare qn
to be screwed up (about sth) (fig) (fam) → essere incasinato/a (per qc)
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(skruː) noun
1. a type of nail that is driven into something by a firm twisting action. I need four strong screws for fixing the cupboard to the wall.
2. an action of twisting a screw etc. He tightened it by giving it another screw.
1. to fix, or be fixed, with a screw or screws. He screwed the handle to the door; The handle screws on with these screws.
2. to fix or remove, or be fixed or removed, with a twisting movement. Make sure that the hook is fully screwed in; He screwed off the lid.
3. (slang, vulgar) to fuck; to have sex (with).
4. (slang) to cheat or take advantage of. They screwed you – these are not real diamonds.
ˈscrewdriver noun
a kind of tool for turning screws.
be/get screwed
(slang) be cheated. You've been screwed – it's not worth more than $10.
have a screw loose
(of a person) to be a bit mad.
put the screws on
to use force or pressure in dealing with a person. If he won't give us the money, we'll have to put the screws on (him).
screw up
1. to twist or wrinkle (the face or features). The baby screwed up its face and began to cry.
2. to crumple. She screwed up the letter.
3. (slang) to bungle; to make a mess of. He screwed up again; Plan it carefully – I don't want you to screw things up.
screw up one's courage
to make oneself brave enough to do something. He screwed up his courage to ask her to marry him.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


قَلَاوُوظ šroub skrue Schraube βίδα tornillo ruuvi vis vijak vite ねじ 나사못 schroef skrue śruba parafuso винт skruv ตะปูควง vida đinh vít 螺丝钉
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. tornillo, rosca.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n (ortho) tornillo
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.