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1. (Biography) Robert Grant. 1864–1951, US astronomer who discovered over three thousand double stars
2. (Biography) William Maxwell. See Beaverbrook
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References in periodicals archive ?
DISGRACED former cabinet minister Jonathan Aitken is to return to jail - as a chaplain.
Aviareps, a global airline and tourism representative, has been appointed by Sri Lanka's leading destination management company, Aitken Spence Travels, as its representative in the UAE.
Paul Aitken pleaded guilty to the assault at the Laurel Drive address on February 4 .
Liam Aitken, 24, was spotted battering the defenceless creature by a neighbour as he returned home from a late dog walk.
For more than 20 years, artist and filmmaker Doug Aitken has created multifaceted collaborative works that shed light on the environmental and social cost of contemporary civilization.
DUMBARTON manager Stephen Aitken insists his side have a duty to put up a fight against Hibs tonight - even if there is nothing at stake for them.
Denver, CO, March 31, 2016 --( Woods & Aitken is proud to announce that Joel D.
And Jonathan Aitken, the town's MP for 23 years, says Farage will, at best, squeak to victory in the general election.
Margot Robbie is reportedly dating Henry Aitken, a son of New Zealand farmer.
Lucie Slater left William Scott Aitken unable to smile properly after the horrific attack, which happened as they sat on his bed.
DISGRACED and bankrupt former Tory Cabinet Minister Jonathan Aitken swapped his luxury London home for a prison cell last night after being jailed for perjury and perverting the course of justice.
Philip Andrew Aitken, 45, was beaten to death by four people in Davao City, on October 20, 2008.