wise woman

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wise woman

1. A woman who is venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom.
2. A woman who practices traditional arts or folkways such as herbal medicine, midwifery, or divination.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Such a sort of thing had not been known since the Wise Woman at Tarley died; and she had charms as well as "stuff": everybody went to her when their children had fits.
She said she was going to the wise woman; her boy had screaming fits, so she was taking him to be doctored.
This belief was confirmed by his experience of women, which, having latterly been extended from the cultivated middle-class into the rural community, had taught him how much less was the intrinsic difference between the good and wise woman of one social stratum and the good and wise woman of another social stratum, than between the good and bad, the wise and the foolish, of the same stratum or class.
"It was made, my lord, of old time, none know how or when, not even the wise woman Gagool, who has lived for generations.
"They could travel no further because of the high mountains which ring in the land, so say the old voices of our fathers that have descended to us the children, and so says Gagool, the wise woman, the smeller out of witches," and again he pointed to the snow-clad peaks.
A wise woman hath made prophecy that this blind side will one day be the death of me.
She returned this fealty by causing it to be understood that she was even more incensed against the felonious shade of the deceased than anybody else was; thus, on the whole, she came out of her furnace like a wise woman, and did exceedingly well.
However, finding both father and son against her on this point, she gave in, like a wise woman, and proceeded to prepare Tom's kit for his launch into a public school.
The household consisted of Mr Dorman, an old acquaintance, his ten-year-old son George, and Mr Dorman's mother, an aged lady with a considerable local reputation as a wise woman. Rumour had it that the future held no mysteries for her, and it was known that she could cure warts, bruised fingers, and even the botts by means of spells.
In 2011, a very wise woman said: "Any member who decides to change parties-- in other words, crosses the floor or defects, should trigger an automatic by-election so that their constituents can have the final say on their decision."
A wise woman once told me that we so often end up in No2 positions - the "mum" roles that involve cleaning up after the man in charge and making sure the rest of the team are ticking along.
THE next meeting of the Leicestershire and Rutland Family History Society, Loughborough Group, is being held on Tuesday, June 19 with a talk: The Wise Woman, by Chris Carr.