

abbreviation for
(Bible) Wisdom of Solomon
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Secondly they examine relationship between WISD and ex-post volatility and further they test the stability of the cross sectional average of WISD. They report the following results.
You will find none but that maker in whom proportion and rhythm and order exist in the highest mode; this is God himself, of whom it is said most truthfully that he has ordered all the things there are in proportion, in rhythm and in poise (Wisd. 11:21).
In this, he shared the ideas of other Jews of his time, as we can see from, e.g., Wisd. of Sol.
This AP class is the only one offered to freshman in WISD. While 14.6% of the total freshman class (162 out of 1,110) enrolled in this course, 32.7% of the students from the group of 55 AP Spanish students enrolled (18 out of 55).
The knowledge acquired through these informal exchanges informed textbook and supplemental resource purchases in WISD.
(14.) Wisd. of Sol 3:11, New Revised Standard Version.
1:3, cited in the first book of the Apology for Origen by Pamphilus and Eusebius, Origen has recourse to the following similes to explain the special relationship of Christ, the Wisdom of God (Wisd. 7:25), with the Father: "When it uses the term `breath,' it has taken this from the physical realm, so that we can understand, at least partially, how Christ himself, who is Wisdom, by analogy with that breath which proceeds from some corporeal substance, comes into being from the power of God himself as a kind of breath.
I sought an object for my love; I was in love with love, and I hated safety and a path free of snares (Wisd. 14:11; Ps.
Can [GREEK TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] in Wisd. 3:2, 7:6 carry all the weight of the exodus from Egypt when it is paired with [GREEK TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] in 7:6 (p.212)?
(P.) 809) A step is not to finde, ne a path of his [a ship's] botme in the flodis (1382 Wyclif Wisd. v.
188.2.8 (CSEL 57:126), artfully rearranging Wisd. of Sol.
He follows Marcel Simon in urging that the reserve about the temple expressed in Stephen's speech represents a more widespread diaspora Jewish view, also reflected, for example, when Wisd. 9: 8 appears to concentrate on city rather than temple.