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(ʌnˈstɛrɪˌlaɪzd) or


(Biology) not sterilized; that has not been made sterile
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unsterilized - not sterilizedunsterilized - not sterilized      
germy - full of germs or pathological microorganisms; "the water in New York harbor is oily and dirty and germy"
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Because he was unsterilized, the dog frequently marked his territory with urine, and Ayoub's mother was constantly cleaning up after him.The dog, named Rocco, was never allowed inside the apartment.
Speaking on the occasion, PGLDS President Dr Sajjad Jamil maintained that Pakistan had emerged as the only country in the world where Hepatitis B and C infections were on the rise and added that major cause of infection is lack of awareness, reuse of syringes, poor infection control, unsafe blood transfusions and use of unsterilized dental and surgical equipment in the country.
KARACHI -- Eminent gastroenterologist and president of Pak GI and Liver Disease Society (PGLDS) Dr Sajjad Jamil on Saturday said in Pakistan Hepatitis B and C infections are on the rise due to reuse of syringes, poor infection control practices, lack of awareness and education, unsafe transfusion of blood and use of unsterilized dental or surgical equipment.
Sajjad maintained that Pakistan had emerged as the only country in the world where Hepatitis B and C infections were on the rise and added that major cause of infection is lack of awareness, reuse of syringes, poor infection control, unsafe blood transfusions and use of unsterilized dental and surgical equipment in the country.
"This is to avoid tetanus which can be easily contracted with the use of unsterilized or rusty nails," said Duque.
The paper identified several major challenges in Asia: mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B, unsterilized injection practices and poor access to direct-acting antivirals despite availability of generics.
Dr Ammara, a medical practitioner said quackery is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in the country as due to unsterilized medical instruments being used in check up processes main reason for spreading Hepatitis C.
However, he warned that hepatitis was spread easily in families through sharing of implement or utensils such as spoons, knives, needles, as well as during s3x and surgery when unsterilized equipment are used.
They noted civil war surgeons used unsterilized medical tools and even their bare fingers to open cranial wounds for probing or breaking up blood clots.
It is predominantly spread through the sharing of unsterilized equipment to inject recreational drugs.
Chicago police told the Chicago Tribune that 24-year-old Richard Eames was charged Wednesday with three misdemeanor counts of depiction of animal cruelty and a misdemeanor count of possession of an unsterilized or vicious dog by a felon.