

(Medicine) not free from living, esp pathogenic, microorganisms
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References in periodicals archive ?
- Have had a tattoo, piercing or acupuncture in unregistered premises or with possibly unsterile equipment.
The virus is spread with contaminated blood, like from sharing needles or from unsterile tattoo equipment.
The combination of unsafe equipment, improper procedures and an unsterile environment creates a cocktail ripe for infection.
If you've had ear or body piercing within the last year as there is a potential risk of infection if an unsterile needle is used.
'This is how the 2016 hemodialysis-unit-related outbreak of Larkana was identified with HIV being present in high-risk population for around two decades, unregulated blood banks which provide blood without screening and rampant reuse of unsterile syringes, rudimentary healthcare facilities and untrained healthcare workers.
class="MsoNormalAnd what is up with the use of gory pictures of razor blades and knives and other unsterile equipment to show the unsanitised methods used in the past, as if to suggest a narrative that FGM carried out in sanitised conditions or medicalised is okay?
'One of the major conditions that put individuals at greater risk of contracting HIV or AIDS include receiving unsafe injections, blood transfusions, tissue transplantation, medical procedures that involve unsterile cutting or piercing,' National Coordinator, Safe Blood Transfussion Programme Prof.
Key populations who are at increased risk of HIV include people who have unprotected anal or vaginal sex , receive unsafe injections, blood transfusions, tissue transplantation, medical procedures that involve unsterile cutting or piercing and experiencing accidental needle stick injuries, people who inject drugs, people in prisons and other closed settings, sex workers and their clients and transgender people.
A lot of female practitioners were also observed to use a single contaminated syringe and unsterile instruments at maternity homes and dental clinics which were the main factors for maximum HVC infection in females.
Infectious diseases, poor treatment outcomes, and unsterile conditions are just a few of the horrific consequences of unlicensed and untrained tattoo artists.