

not pressured
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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At this time of the year, bucks are still in their predictable summer feeding patterns, and their bachelor groups remain unpressured. Despite these advantages, though, I learned more than a decade ago that I am not a fan of deer hunting in September.
It is a mistake that often allows fish to gain great size and fighting ability in unpressured waters.
Often one member of a couple feels that the other is rushing things, and it's ideal when two people can move forward unhurried and unpressured. If you want that first kiss, tilt your face toward his and look into his eyes.
I've done that for 18 years, albeit at a much lower, unpressured environment.
Caption: Florida has terrific bonefishing in Miami and the Keys, but the allure of big schools of unpressured fish on hard-sand, wadable flats draws many anglers east.
By most accounts, bass were far easier to catch in those days, being relatively unpressured in most waters.
He then had an unpressured property, a stash of vacation days and a fire inside that only burned hotter as the weather cooled.
Dealing with unhealthy work environments, managing our own time schedules, and accepting a self-focus that is imperfect, but unpressured, Seed of Life relieves tension.
EDERSON A spectator in goalkeeper's kit - and his concentration was suspect with another unpressured fumble!
The sessions are very friendly and unpressured and you can be assured that a warm welcome awaits you.
They paid an immediate price when Fernandinho nodded Eden Hazard's corner into his own net unpressured after 13 minutes.