

not prescribed (by a doctor, optician, etc)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"What we regretfully did not know was that he had been taking a range of unprescribed supplements given to him by members of a gym he frequented.
DRC countered that the CAB properly denied benefits because Quinn's intentional ingestion of overdoses of heroin and oxycodone in an unprescribed manner was an independent intervening factor that broke the connection between his injury and his death.
A28-YEAR-OLD woman accused of having a "toxic level" of "unprescribed" Tramadol in her bloodstream caused the death of a "completely innocent man", Cardiff Crown Court heard yesterday.
The deaths resulted from the victims' families using unprescribed medicine to lower their temperature.
He cautioned people against the use of unprescribed eye drops but to see the eye doctor for appropriate treatment if their vision is blurred or depreciating.
Police found a makeshift spoon used to take drugs in Annis's cell, but, apart from traces of unprescribed antidepressants, there was no evidence of drugs in his system.
Prescribed and unprescribed medications referred to by the interviewees were classified according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Code (ATC; World Health Organization [WHO], 2018); the organ or system through which the medication acts was considered, as well as its therapeutic and pharmacological properties.
Labourer Simon Field, 37, was so frustrated at a delay in the issuing of his prescription tablets he began asking around for unprescribed medication.
The findings by the Health Products Regulatory Authority coincided with the launch of a campaign to provide the public with information on the dangers of using unprescribed drugs.
And "sample dermatitis"--when an unprescribed drug sample turns out to be the cause of a mysterious reaction.
The study concludes that if youth with conduct problems "use unprescribed cannabis to cope with their condition, then healthier alternative coping strategies and support should be made available." ( ANI )