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not furnished with the necessary supplies, abilities, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.unequipped - without necessary physical or intellectual equipment; "guerrillas unequipped for a pitched battle"; "unequipped for jobs in a modern technological society"
equipped, equipt - provided or fitted out with what is necessary or useful or appropriate; "a well equipped playground"; "a ship equipped with every mechanical aid to navigation"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
If I had told Sandy I had seen a wagon, uninfluenced by enchantment, spin along fifty miles an hour; had seen a man, unequipped with magic powers, get into a basket and soar out of sight among the clouds; and had listened, without any necromancer's help, to the conversation of a person who was several hundred miles away, Sandy would not merely have supposed me to be crazy, she would have thought she knew it.
'Relatedly, 13 out of the 48 LRVs (Light Rail Vehicles) remained unequipped with ATPs (Automatic Train Protection) while 31 out of the 48 had yet to complete the required 1,000 km run,' COA said.
According to the document, the subsidiary companies of the KMG - JSC Karazhanbasmunay, JSC Mangistaumunaygas and JSC Ozenmunaygas - will be obliged to clean the oil contaminated soil and utilize and recycle the wastes placed in the unequipped sludge tanks.
'We observed that there is a shortage of manpower, non-functioning ambulances, insecurity, unequipped laboratories and more importantly abandonment of multi-billion naira cardio-renal facility.
Without a law telling them what to do, universities underfund these programs making them unequipped to handle these types of situations.
5-year Accident Rates, ADS-B Benefit 2013-2017 (%) (accidents/1,000,00 operations) Fleet Method ADS-B In Unequipped Mid-Air 0 0.30 NSS Weather-Related 3.69 6.64 44 CFIT 0 0.56 100 CFIT & Weather 0.12 0.58 81 Combined (Fatal) 380 (0.22) 8.08 (1.98) 53 (89) Flight-Hour Method ADS-B In Unequipped Mid-Air 0 0.30 NSS Weather-Related 4.04 6.61 39 CFIT 0 0.56 100 CFIT & Weather 0.12 0.58 NSS Combined (Fatal) 4.16 (0.25) 8.04 (1.98) 48 (88) Estimated Accidents Avoided 2013-2017 Fleet Method Mid-Air Weather-Related 26 CFIT 5 CFIT & Weather 4 Combined (Fatal) 38 (18) Flight-Hour Method Mid-Air Weather-Related 21 CFIT 5 CFIT & Weather Combined (Fatal) 32 (14) NSS - No statistical significance.
To contextualize the current challenge, Danganan-Azucena quoted author and historian Yuval Noah Harari: 'The democratic system is unequipped to deal with the next shocks, such as the rise of [artificial intelligence (AI)] and the blockchain revolution.
He reiterated that "the security forces will strictly prevent unequipped vehicles from crossing Dahr al-Baidar and Faraya highways as of Sunday night until the end of the storm for citizens' safety." In this connection, the Interior Ministry reminded of the following emergency contact numbers: 112 for the Internal Security Forces, 125 for the Civil Defense, 175 for the Fire Brigade and 140 for the Red Cross.
He pointed that there were long queues in hospitals, which he said were overcrowded, unequipped and understaffed.
Polling booths and polling officers are logistically unequipped to detect intoxicated persons and are legally and statutorily unequipped to prevent intoxicated voters from violating the sanctity of the electoral process.'
PE-based coatings require an expensive plastic separation process, which many recycling facilities are unequipped to handle.