

v. t.1.To disestablish.
The Parliament demanded of the king to unestablish that prelatical government.
- Milton.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
An iron curtain was drawn on occupied Jammu and Kashmir prior to the illegal evisceration by the Government of India, on 5 August 2019, of the provisions of its Constitution, which offered "special" and "autonomous" status to the State of Jammu and Kashmir (as a means to justify its questionable and unestablished "accession" to India).
This program helps credit unions offer a fun, mission-driven savings product that helps members, especially those with unestablished savings habits, create a better financial future."
(Gkartzonikas and Gkritza, 2019) Self-driving cars aim to make traffic more protected, but their public assimilation presents ethical challenges, as it is unclear what behavior of autonomous vehicles is morally adequate in grave traffic circumstances when repercussions are only chancily identified (a situation of risk) or even unestablished (a situation of uncertainty).
Second, the Gender-role Attitudes, Beliefs, and Principles Scale is relatively unestablished and lacks good validity and reliability data.
"Though I know it isn't true, it seems like only yesterday USA Network took a chance on an unestablished writer's very first hour-long script.
For patients with a previously unestablished diagnosis, communication with a patient's urologist and/or medical oncologist about the clinical stigmata and the patient's personal and family history is extremely important because these data might further indicate clues to an association with HLRCC syndrome.
The expert also identified another adverse effect of cell phone addiction as possible formation of cancer in later years but described this as unestablished.
(63) Although yeast Ddi1 was reported to be involved in the degradation of a few proteins, its function as a shuttle factor remains unestablished. (55,64)
This study is limited by the retrospective study design and a number of factors, such as the difficulties of confirming or excluding comorbidities based on a single encounter and the limitless potential for unestablished confounders of Hb[A.sub.1c] and AG, Dr.
The relatively unestablished findings would include the positive effect of being needed, or the negative effect of commuting time.
This study is limited by the retrospective study design, the difficulties of confirming or excluding comorbidities based on a single encounter, and the limitless potential for unestablished confounders of [HbA.sub.1c], and AG, Dr.