

vb (tr)
to remove a clamp from
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The parking attendant will unclamp the cars after the notification," Tinega said.
She was so helpful I could periodically unclamp my hands from the steering wheel to allow blood flow!
We also tested and integrated the spacecraft electrically with the launch vehicle, so that during the launch, the launcher will unclamp first and push the satellite away from itself."
Rising fluid pressure can unclamp faults and unleash quakes (SN: 7/11/15, p.
One of the cage's best features is that the rotation is friction-controlled--there's no need to clamp or unclamp anything to change the eyepiece position.
On education, the Conservatives have been very keen to unclamp schools from local authorities, which they regard as hidebound and in thrall to the teaching unions.
The court heard the firm used 'underhand tactics' and intimidated drivers into parting with up to PS335 to unclamp vehicles and "cancel" tow-trucks which had not been called out.
During operation, the system is independent of the power supply and power is only required to unclamp the die.
Prosecutor Anthony Potter outlined how Midland Parking Contracts used underhand tactics and intimidated drivers into parting with up to pounds 335 to unclamp vehicles and "cancel" tow-trucks which had not been called out.
"The reduced load unclamp the faults, which can promote an earthquake," said Wdowinski.
The chucks clamp and unclamp on the top face enabling more chucks to be ganged together compared to side-actuated models, according to the manufacturer.