

(Film) not characteristic of or of the nature of the cinema; not dramatic; unsuitable for making into a film
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The trailers gave away all the best action beats relating to the volcano set-piece and while it still thrills, the fact there's still an hour and change left of the movie afterwards leads to an overload of dialogue-heavy scenes, most of which play out in tight, uncinematic locations.
Let's not forget that Zwick and longtime collaborator Marshall Herskovitz got their start writing for television, which seems to be the primary influence on this strangely uncinematic action movie.
As such, he concludes, if the film gave preference to historicity, this could result in "uncinematic reverence" and if dramatic effectiveness became the preferred lens then the film could lead to absurdity.
Though famously uncinematic, Kevin Allen's new big screen version (there was another in 1972 starring Richard Burton) is bawdy, frothy and fun, packed with striking images and blessed with Rhys Ifans' terrific performance and melodic voiceover.
High frame rate filmmaking has been described positively, then and now, as "lifelike," "unmediated," and "hyperreal." By contrast, many have deemed the results of high frame rate filmmaking as "uncinematic," "too real," or "like a TV soap opera." The recent unfavorable aesthetic reception of high frame rate for The Hobbit troubles commonsense notions about realism in the cinema, especially that CGI technology should strive for a sense of more "direct" or "unfiltered" realism, whether characterized as greater perceptual realism or less evident mediation.
It was terribly uncinematic. At first I was afraid I'd seriously injured the guy.
The 10 minutes of unfinished footage, shown at the CinemaCon convention in Las Vegas last week, was criticised as uncinematic.
This overdone thread shares little harmony with the creaky plot, the pedestrian pacing and the fact that the film was shot in some seriously uncinematic parts of Massachusetts.
"He said that the easiest adaptations to do were the most uncinematic ones, because then you were free to take the characters and basic elements and then put the book away.